Company: CORAF
Position: Gender Assistant
Gender and development specialist with over 10 years of experience in West and Central Africa. Expertise in gender mainstreaming in agricultural policies, sanitation, and natural resource management. Key skills: developing inclusion strategies, coordinating international projects, capacity building, and data analysis. Master's in Development Practice (University of Arizona). Trilingual in French, English, and Wolof
Assessment report on Senegal's sanitation policies with regard to the ASPG principles.
Child Nutrition in Low Income Country: Example of Somalia. Mel and Enid Zucherman Public Health Institute, University of Arizona, Tucson, United States
Gender and Climate Change in Rural Areas: The Specific Case of Thies. Bachelor of Science Thesis. Dakar, Senegal: Cheikh Anta Diop University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
Member of the evaluation group for the financing mechanism of the Mother and Child Health and Health and Social Information System Improvement Project (PASMESSIS KAFFRINE)
Master's 2 in International Development, University of Arizona
Master's 1 Degree in Sociology, Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, Senegal
Gender Assistant at the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF)
- Coordinated and facilitated training on gender mainstreaming in the seed sector, reaching over 500 entrepreneurs in 11 countries
- Authored an analytical report on gender integration in the value chain of seed companies in West Africa
- Supervised gender mainstreaming in the GIRAV project in The Gambia, impacting over 1000 farmers
- Coordinated national training for women and youth on seed company value chains in multiple countries across West and Central Africa
- Co-developed a positive youth development (PYD) proposal "Dooleel Ndaw Ni" funded by USAID
- Focal point and supervisor of gender activities for PYD and AgriNut projects, ensuring alignment with CORAF's strategic objectives
April 2020 to April 2023: Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) Expert, Digital Earth Africa Program
- Participated in working group meetings with implementing partners
- Developed and implemented strategies to improve access and use of services and products by women and vulnerable groups
- Integrated GEDSI into training modules, increasing women's participation in programs by 30%
- Authored quarterly reports on GEDSI, contributing to the program's strategic direction
- Actively participated in working groups with implementing partners, strengthening inter-institutional collaboration
- Supported CSE in writing reports submitted to DE Africa (English version)
June 2018 to October 2022: Research Assistant (Agricultural and Rural Prospective Initiative) in the West African Sanitation Policy Activators project
- Interim coordination of the WASPA project for 8 months, ensuring operational continuity
- Participated in the development of the project's annual work plan
- Organized multi-stakeholder workshops on autonomous sanitation policies, involving over 100 stakeholders
- Developed and facilitated an innovative training module on Gender and Sanitation
- Responsible for gender monitoring across the autonomous sanitation value chain and project activities
- Drafted activity reports, research reports, and quarterly reports
- Supervised field surveys and coordinated the fecal contamination study (SaniPath) in collaboration with Emory University
Dec 11/2017 to May 31/2018: Research Assistant at Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Climate Information Services project in the Kaffrine region
- Participated in research learning activities on ongoing systems mapping in Niger
- Facilitated capacity building workshops for 200 women in the Kaffrine and Koungheul regions
- Contributed to the mapping of climate information systems (CIS) at national and local levels
- Created digitized maps using Kumu software, improving data visualization for decision-making
Nov 20 to Dec 10/2017: Member of the evaluation group for the financing mechanism of the Mother and Child Health and Health and Social Information System Improvement Project (PASMESSIS KAFFRINE)
Nov 2016 - Feb 2017: Field Research Associate USAID/MEP Senegal
Oct- Dec 2016: Intern (part-time), Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) FAO, Senegal
Jul- Aug 2013: Intern, Organization for the Development of the Senegal River (OMVS), Dakar, Senegal
Apr 2011-Aug 2011: Research Assistant Office of Arid Lands Studies University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Jul 2009 – Dec 2010 : Intern Centre de Suivi Ecologique pour la gestion des ressources naturelles (CSE), Dakar, Senegal
Aug 2008 – May 2009: Research Assistant, World Health Organization (WHO) Association Femme Initiative Développement pour la Sante (AFIDS) Dakar, Senegal
1992-1994 : Family Life Education Volunteer