Company: Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN) , Abuja, Nigeria
Position: Assistant Director, Plant Pests & Agri-input Management
Ihegwuagu Nnemeka Edith, a Nigerian female Agro-chemist, Assistant Director Research & Project Manager. She joined the public service in 2003 at the Federal Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development and currently an Assistant Director at the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN), Abuja, Nigeria. Also the Country Focal Point for CAADP-XP4 Regional Project with CORAF West Africa. A member Community of Practice on Foresight Tools/Analysis.
At the ARCN, Dr. Ihegwuagu Nnemeka heads the Arable Crops Division and Agri-input & Plant Pests Management unit. Also heads the ARCN SERVICOM unit as well as coordinator, the Seminar/ Workshop Committee of her department Plant Resources. She holds B.Sc., Chemical Sciences, and M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry and a Ph.D. in Agrochemical Technology. She specializes in polymer-pesticide-interaction, (formulations and delivery), nanotechnology, Project Management and environmental monitoring. She has also published scientific papers, book chapters and has participated in several international conferences, seminars and workshops. She is married and has four children.
Book Chapters:
1. Book Co-Author: Williams.S., Malomo. G, Usman.Z., Akinyemi O.,Ihegwuagu N., Ahmed.A. Jauro.R (2019), Towards a Gender Equality in Agricultural research, training and extension in Nigeria: a report of ARCN systems gender policy and strategy (2020-2030) ISBN:978 -978-974-578-4.
Book Chapters:
2. Gabriel Adebayo Malomo and Nnemeka Edith Ihegwuagu (2017). Some Aspects of Animal Feed Sampling and Analysis, Ideas and Applications Toward Sample Preparation for Food and Beverage Analysis, Dr. Mark Stauffer (Ed.), InTech, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.70856.
3. Ihegwuagu Nnemeka E. and Emeje Martins O. (2012). Food Quality Control: History, Present andFuture, Scientific, Health and Social Aspects of the Food Industry, Dr. Benjamin Valdez (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-916-5, InTech.
Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/scientific-health-and-social-aspects-ofthe-food-industry/food-quality-control-history-present-and-future
1. Alabi, O.O., Ihegwuagu, N.E., Isah, H., Abiloro, A.C., Simpa, O.J., Haruna, O.E., Aluwong, J.S. (2023). Economic efficiency of smallholder okra (Abelmoschus species) production in Kaduna State, Nigeria: Implication for poverty alleviation. . International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Food Sciences, 7 (4), 853-863 DOI: https://doi.org/10.31015/jaefs.2023.4.16
2. Okwesili L. C., Okenwa J. C., Ihegwuagu N.E., Uhama K.C., Ubanwa E. D., Nwafor C.S., and Onyia V. C. Comparative Assessment of the Phytochemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Ogirisi (New bouldia Leavis) Rootbark and Root wood Extracts Journal of Natural Sciences Research www.iiste.org ISSN 2224-3186 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0921 (Online) Vol.13, No.10, 2022. DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/13-10-01.
3. N. E. Ihegwuagu, R. Sha’Ato, T.A. Tor-Anyiin, L. Nnamonu, Fayomi. O. M. and M. Maaza; Kinetics and Equilibrium studies on the adsorption and desorption pattern for Dichlorvos insecticide on Starch Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles; Journal of Med., Biological and Pharm. Sci. Vol.18 No.3, 2021.pp 211-236.brpi ISSN:1211-4401
4. O.M. Fayomi, D.C. Ike, * M.A. Iorhemba, O.M. Ameh, N.E. Ihegwuagu and R.C. Kalu; h cashew nutshell liquid; Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib., 2021, 10, no. 3, 1307–1322. doi: 10.17675/2305-6894-2021-10-3-27.
5. Ihegwuagu Nnemeka Edith, Rufus Sha’Ato, Terrumun Amom Tor-Anyiin, Lami Angela Nnamonu and Malik Maaza; Effect of Temperature, pH and Additives on the Rate of Dichlorvos insecticide Release from starch silver nanoparticles encapsulate, Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection (NJPP).Vol.34, No.2, December, 2020.
6 Ihegwuagu Nnemeka Edith, Rufus Sha’Ato, Terrumun Amom Tor-Anyiin, Lami Angela Nnamonu, Philip Buekes, Bertrand Sone and Malik Maaza; Facile formulation of starch–silver-nanoparticle encapsulated dichlorvos and chlorpyrifos for enhanced insecticide delivery, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique New J. Chem. 2016 ,40, 1777. DOI: 10.1039/c5nj01831e
7. Nnemeka E. Ihegwuagu, Rufus Sha’Ato, Terrumun.A. Tor-Anyiin, Lami A. Nnamonu, Xanthene Muller and Malik Maaza; Soil lixiviation and slow release pattern of starch-nano sliver particles-encapsulated dichlorvos insecticide formulation IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS) e-ISSN: 2319-2380, p-ISSN: 2319-2372. Volume 8, Issue 11 (2015), PP 15-24. DOI: 10.9790/2380-081111524
8. Ihegwuagu Nnemeka, Mundi Sule, Adama Friday, Dalaham Philbus, Etuk-Udoh Godwin, Odunsanya Shola, Omojola Moses,and Sha’Ato Rufus;(2014).Rapid Synthesis of Silver Nano Particles Capped In Starch and its Anti–Mold Activity, International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, ISSN 2351-8014 Vol. 9 No. 1 , pages 16-25.
9. Omojola, Moses O., Afolayan, Michael O., Adebiyi, Adedayo B., Orijajogun, Joyce O.,Thomas, Sunday A. and Ihegwuagu, Nnemeka E. (2011): Further physicochemical characterization of Parkiabiglobosa(Jacq.) Benth fruit pulp as a mineral supplement, African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 10(75), pp. 17258-17264.
10. Omojola M.O, Ihegwuagu N.E (2010). Exploiting the industrial potentials of Parkia biglobosa(Jacq.).Benth.Proceeding of RMRDC 2ndInternational Conference on Natural Resources and Development and utilization in Nigeria.
11. Ihegwuagu Nnemeka E., Omojola Moses O., Emeje Martins O., and Olobayo O. Kunle,(2009): Isolation and evaluation of some physicochemical properties of parkiabiglobosa (African locust bean) starch. Pure Appl.Chem.vol.81, No.1, pp.97-104. doi:10.1351/PAC-CON-08-01-21
1.Ihegwuagu Nnemeka Edith; Slow Release Formulations of Chlorpyrifos and Dichlorvos Using Native Starch and Starch-Silver Nanoparticles as Matrices, (2016) (Ph.D. Project)
2. Ihegwuagu Nnemeka Edith; Isolation and Characterization of locust bean (parkia biglobossa), starch. (M.Sc. project).
3. Ihegwuagu Nnemeka Edith; A survey of heavy metals levels as it relates to Vehicular traffic and local activities in Abeokuta Street Dust (B.Sc. project).
1. Additional Educational Qualifications/ Certifications with dates
I. Certificate on national training on Women and Youth Networks on Seed Production, Processing and Marketing and Seed Business Management in Nigeria from 21st -23rd , August, 2023 held at Dennis Hotel, Wuse 2, Abuja
II. Certificate on a regional training on the development of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) projects and the use of tools and methods for assessing the climate-smartness of agricultural practices and technologies held from 26th to 28th July, 2023 in Abidjan, Cote D’ivore.
III. Certificate in Making Competency Based (Agricultural) Education Work (MEW) by ICRA, OKP, at Wageningen International Conference Center (WICC), Wageningen, Netherlands (Online and Physical); April -June, 2023.
IV. Certificate as a CORAF/AICCRA member Community of Practice (CoP) as an expert to facilitate Foresight Analysis for climate and agricultural issues in West Africa; June 21st, 2023 @ Lomé, Togo.
V. Certificate of participation in women’s leadership training in agriculture and climate research held in Dakar, Senegal, March 20-24th, 2023.
VI. Certificate of participation in Foresight Analysis for climate Resilient Agricultural Development training from 4th – 21st October, 2022 @ Dakar, Senegal.
VII. Certificate on Making Research Work, by ICRA, OKP, at Wageningen Center for Development Innovation, Wageningen, Netherlands May-July, 2022.
VIII. Certificate on Rural Entrepreneurship for Africa, WCDI, Wageningen, Netherlands (online), August-December, 2021.
IX. Certificate on Evaluating & Managing for sustainable Development Impact, WCDI, Wageningen, Netherlands March-June, 2021 (Online)
X. Project Management for Development Professionals: PMD Pro Certification – 2019 & 2020
XI. Certificate on Integrated Pest Management & Food Safety at Wageningen Center for Development Innovation (WCDI), Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands, June, 2018.
PMD Pro Certification 2019 & 2020
Doctor of Philosophy (Agrochemical technology) 2016
M.Sc., (Analytical Chemistry) 2008
B.Sc. (Chemical Sciences) 1998
W.A.S.C/G.C. E (O/L), 1989
First School Leaving Certificate 1984
Professional Experience, Responsibilities & Achievements with Dates
1. Assistant Director: Head, Arable Crops Research Division & Head,
Agri-inputs &Pest Management Research Unit, 2022 -date at Agricultural Research
Council of Nigeria, (ARCN), Abuja.
Achievements Building, Supervising, leading & training a team of
10 staff through senior level directing reports. Also training them to write policy
briefs/ research papers, proposals.
2. Country Focal Point : CORAF-CAADP-XP4 Regional Project, 2020 – Present
Country Focal Point IFPRI/CORAF/ASTI, Regional Project, 2021- Date
Achievements: Facilitated the implementation of about sixteen (16) CAADP-XP4
project activities till date in Nigeria. Coordinates the collection of vital national data
(scientists, partners, production data etc) and transmission to the secretariat.
Managed effectively ARCN/ CORAF relationship over these years.
Coordinated the Nigerian ASTI 2022 online survey, analysis, and reporting on Agric
Research & Development; 2017 -2021.
3. Head ARCN SERVICOM Unit: The Nodal Officer ARCN SERVICOM, responsible in spear-heading service delivery initiatives in the Council. 2019- Present
Achievement: Optimizing of Agency staff service delivery awareness to 80% and
celebrates service week annually.
4. Chief Agric. Officer/Head Agri-inputs & Integrated Pest Management Unit. Arable Crops Division (ACD), Plant Resources Department (PRD), 2019- 2021.
Responsibilities: i. Assist the Head of Division in the overall coordination of the ACD Division
ii. Take charge of the coordination of the Agri-inputs, Environment & Integrated Pest Mgt Research issues etc.
5. Head of Division Natural Resources &Environmental & Integrated Pest Management Unit. 2011- 2018
Responsibilities: i. Assisted the Programme Manager in the overall coordination of the Division.
ii.Took charge of the leading 7 staff in the Environment & Integrated Pest Mgt Research issues.
iii. Liaised with 25 research institutions on NRM issues.
6. Asst. Chief & Prin. Res. Officer Coordination of Environment & Integrated Pest Mgt. Research issues. 2012-2014 and 2015-2017
7. Snr. Agric. Research Officer Institutional Development Unit (IDU) (2009- 2011)
Responsibilities: i. Coordination, Development and Deployment of Quality System in Agricultural Research Activities
ii. Monitoring of Agricultural Trends and Development to promote ARCN functions.
iii. Preparation of Technical Brief
8. Scientific Officer 1: Livestock & Fisheries Department, Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria, Agricultural Research House, Mabushi, Abuja,2006 - 2008
9. Scientific Officer II Agricultural Sciences Department (ASD). Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, Garki Abuja. 2003-2006
Responsibilities:i. Takes charge of the coordination of Livestock, Livestock Products and Utilization
ii. Monitoring and Evaluation of Agricultural Researches in all the National Agricultural Research Institute (NARIs).
iii. Desk officer for Livestock Research Institutes.
iv. Ensures timeliness in Service delivery of the department.
10. Service Improvement Officer (SIO) SERVICOM, 2004 -2005
Coordination of Staff Attendance Registers, Movement Registers and Preparation of Monthly Report on A.S.D. staff Movement and Timeliness.
11. Marketing Executive. Intel Nig. Ltd, No 10, Road 123, Kado Estate Abuja. 2000-2003
12. Quality control Chemist Pipelines and Products Marketing Company (P.P.M.C), (N.Y.S.C.) (a subsidiary of NNPC), Oil Movement and Quality Control (OMQC), Department Lagos. 1998-1999
Responsibilities: i. Preparation of Equipment status report for the five area offices of P.P.M.C.
ii. Preparation of various reports on system performance.
iii Ascertains quality of crude oil and refined products to ensure they meet specifications.
Quality Control Trainee (IT) Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company(KRPC), (a subsidiary of NNPC), km 16, Kachia Road, Kaduna state. 1996
Responsibilities: Analysis of water samples in all the boilers in the Refinery plant.
Analytical tests of finished Petroleum Products and Crude oil samples. Gas analysis.