Company: CSIR-Ghana
Position: Senior Research Scientist in charge of Strategic Planning Monitoring and Evaluation
Head of the Corporate Strategic Planning Monitoring & Evaluation /MIS (CSPM&E/MIS) of the CSIR and currently leading the automation and digitalisation of an online M&E system for the implementation of the organisation’s 5 Strategic Plan. Has worked at the CSIR as M&E specialist for over fifteen (15) years. Has made significant contributions to the strengthening the CSPM&E/MIS division in the area of data and information management, while at the same time facilitating the achievement of the organization’s vision of using the transforming power of science and technology for wealth creation. Has worked as the M&E specialist at the R&D section and Corporate CSIR. Has been influential in the implementation of a number of national programmes such as West African Agricultural Programme (1&2) and Mondernizing Agriculture in Ghana.
Mahama, S., Manteaw, S. A and Decker, E. (2020). Gender perceptions on the causes of climate variation and its effects on cassava production among farmers in Ghana- Cogent & Agriculture Taylor & Francis Group -2021
Mahama, S., Manteaw, S.A, Decker, E. and Mingle, N.A. (2020). Gender dimensions of the effects of seasonal variations on cassava production: A study of smallholder farmers in central region, Ghana- Agriculture and Food Science Journal of Ghana (AFSJG) vol 14, (2020)
Entsua-Mensah, M., Bannerman, P., Ofori-Danso, P.K. and Mahama, S. (2013). Trends in artisanal catches of small pelagics off the coast of Ghana (2000-2010)-Ghana Journal of Science 53: 9-22
Manteaw, S.A., Folitse, B.Y., Anaglo, Y. N., Mahama., S and Mingle, N.A (2020). The dynamics of agricultural extension delivery along the value chain: assessment of agricultural extension-Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science 55(2) (2020).
Manteaw, S.A., Folitse, B.Y., Mingle, N.A., and Mahama, S. (2020). Small-scale urban vegetable farmers’ knowledge and perceptions about agricultural insurance in the Greater Accra Region, Ghana- IARAS Institute 21(6)
Manteaw, S.A, Folitse, B. Y, Mahama, S. and Wahaga, E. (2022). Sources of agricultural extension information and farmers’ willingness to pay for the information: Evidence from small-scale pineapple farmers in south-eastern Ghana. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development,
Lambon, J.B., Mahama, S., Honger, H., and Yakubu, D., (2023). Assessing Vegetable Farmers’ Knowledge of Disease and Pests Control Methods in Ghana: A Survey of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum [L]) Farmers in the Mampong Municipality of the Ashanti Region of Ghana.
Manteaw, S.A, Folitse, B. Y, Swanzy F. K., Mahama, S. and Adjeley T. A. The dynamics of mobile phone usage among small-scale oil palm processors: Evidence from the Eastern Region, Ghana
1.PhD., Geography & Regional Planning, University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Specialization: (Planning, Gender and Climate Change in Agriculture)
2. MSc., Statistics, University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Specialization: Linear programming- Optimization Techniques.
3.BEd. Mathematics, University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Specialization: Language usage in mathematics instructions at the primary level.
Certificate: Financial Management-Value Chain Analysis |
Certificate: Results Monitoring & Evaluation. CORAF/World Bank-Dakar, Senegal |
Certificate: Indicators Monitoring and Evaluation: Results Monitoring & Evaluation. SETYM International, Montreal-CANADA |
Certificate: Project Planning & Management: Results-Based Management, performance. GIMPA. |
1. 2010-2012: M&E Officer for projects under Research and Development (R&D) Directorate -CSIR
2. 2012-2015: Head of Division-MIS/M&E- CSIR
3. 2015 to Date: Head, Corporate Strategic planning Monitoring &Evaluation -CSIRDeveloped and maintained 4. Was part of a team that developed the 5-year strategic plan for Corporate CSIR
5. Strengthened the CSPM&E/MIS division in the area of data and information management
6. Led the development of a web-based M&E system for Corporate CSIR.-
7. Developed a performance assessment/appraisal system/tool for assessing and ranking CSIR institutes on selected key performance indicators (KPI) for enhanced productivity.