Company: ITRA

Position: Researcher, Sicentific coordinator of Natural resources management

Expert Summary

Soil Sciences and related areas (Soil fertility and pedology, Fertilizers, organiques and inorganique, Agroécologie, Smart climat agriculture

Organic farming)

Agricoltural knowledge management




1.      GANYO Komla, KOUDJEGA Kossi, AKATA A. Eyanawa, AKANTETOU Pikassalé, ABLEDE Komlan, JOHNSON Comlan Togbé, BAGUILIMA Dadjo, AFAWOUBO Gbélékor Koffi, ANI Essowédéou Sékou, ADJESSI VIDEKE Mokpokpo (2021). Recommandations pour les principales cultures selon l’état de la fertilité des sols. Série de 38 fiches techniques, MAEDR/ITRA.

2.      Komlan Adigninou ABLEDE, Kossi KOUDJEGA, Komla Kyky GANYO, Essotina Kossi KPEMOUA, Yao LOMBO. (2020). Solubilisation des phosphates naturels par compostage à base des déchets animaux pour leur utilisation efficiente en agriculture. Fiche togolaise des sciences, techniques et innovations (FTSTI). ISBN : 978-2-37745-028-2 EAN 9782377450282. pp 9

3.      Kossi KOUDJEGA, Komla Kyky GANYO, Komlan Adigninou ABLEDE, Essotina Kossi KPEMOUA, Yao LOMBO, Essodésibè ASSIH-FARAM, Koffi AFAWOUBO, Essowèdéou Sékou ANI (2019). Reconnaître les différents types de sol dans un canton du Togo et bien choisir les cultures à pratiquer. Fiche togolaise des sciences, techniques et innovations (FTSTI). ISBN : 978-2-37745-024-4. pp 38.

4.      Koudjega K., Ablede K. K. A., Ganyo K. K. et Afawoubo K (2019). Évaluation des pertes de sol par ruissellement et du rendement du soja sous labour en demi-billon dans la région centrale du Togo. Bulletin de la Recherche Agronomique du Bénin (BRAB) Pages (pp.) 182-193. ISSN sur papier (1025-2355 et ISSN en ligne (on line) : 1840-7099.

5.      Ablede K. A., Koudjega K. et Ganyo K. K (2019). Amélioration de la solubilisation des phosphates naturels de faible réactivité par phosphocompostage à base de fumier. Bulletin de la Recherche Agronomique du Bénin (BRAB) Pages (pp.) 175-181. ISSN sur papier (1025-2355 et ISSN en ligne (on line) : 1840-7099.

6.      Koudjega K., Ablede K.A., Lawson I.Y.D., Abekoe M. K., Owusu-Bennoah E. (2019)., Assessing the Effect of Seedling Age and Time of Urea Supergranule Application on Rice Growth, Yield and Nitrogen Use efficiency. West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 27(1), 2019: 78 – 94.

7.      Koudjega K., Ablede K.A., Lawson I.Y.D., Abekoe M. K., Owusu-Bennoah E., Tsatsu D.K. (2019) Reducing Ammonia Volatilization and improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Rice at Different depths of Urea Supergranule application. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2019.1594880.

8.      Koudjega K. (2018). Management of urea supergranule (USG) application to improve growth and yield of rice (Oriza sativa l.) in some paddy soils of Togo and Ghana (2018). PhD Thesis University of Ghana, 247pp.


Additional Info

Some Relevant Training, Workshops and Internships


û  July 2023 Regional training workshop on ‘’Elaboration de Projets d’agriculture climatointelligentes face au changement climatique (AIC) et évaluation des caractéristiques climato-intelligentes des pratiques et technologies’’ en Afrique de l’Ouest. Organized by ICRA/CORAF in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

û  October 2022: Training Workshop on AquaCrop Model Organised by the International Centre of Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) in Sierra Leone, Freetown

û  February 2016: Short course on Quantitative Research Methods for PhD Students at University du Ghana à Accra (UG et BSU)

û  February 2014: International workshop on fertilizer briquetting. Lome-Togo (organized by IFDC)

û  June 2014: International training on integrated soil fertility management and the use of QUEFTS model at Accra. (IFDC)

û  June 2013: Sub-regional workshop on agricultural communication tools for dissemination of innovative technologies and methods of M&E. Cotonou – Benin. (CTA/WECARD)

û  March 2012: Regional Workshop on African researchers and medias for agricultural productivity increases. Abidjan-Cote d’Ivoire, (FARA).

û  April 2011: TOT Workshop on the use of Erails platform for dissemination innovative technologies.  Ouagadougou, Burkina-Faso (FARA & CORAF/WECARD)

û  June 2011: National Training Workshop of stakeholders of Soyabean Cluster on Gender consideration in agricultural Projects implementation. Sokode-Togo. Organized by IFDC-Togo.

û  March 2010: TOT Workshop on Participatory Learning and Research Action and Integrated Soil Fertility Management (PLRA/ISFM) in Sub-Saharan Africa. Tsevie-Togo (IFDC)

û  July 2010: Regional TOT Workshop on Urea deep placement Technology in West Africa. Bobo Diolasso in Burkina Faso. (IFDC)

û  June 2009: TOT Workshop on Competitive Agricultural Systems and Enterprises (CASE) approach in Agribusiness. Sogakope-Ghana. (IFDC).

û  October-November 2009: International training on “Advanced technologies in irrigation and fertigation in intensive agriculture”. CINADCO Shefayim-Israel. (PNUD).

û  July 2006: National Workshop on quality and norms ISO 9001 and 17025. Lome-Togo. (ITRA)


û June-November 2002: Internship in crop and animal production in Silberbrünnen farm at Kerzers, Switzerland.

û June-September 2001: Internship on agriculture research at ITRA-CRASH at Kolocope research Station Topic: Etude phénologique de trois variétés de cotonniers classiques (Gosipium hyirsutum L.). Rapport de stage de technique spécialisée.

June-September 2000: Polyvalent internship à l’OIC-TOGO farm in PARAT project (d’amélioration du revenu de l’Agriculteur Togolais).




PhD degree Soil Science, Department of Soil Science, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra. Area of specialisation: Soil fertility.

Master degree in Science of Agricultural resources. University of Lome -Togo

Agronomist, crop Sciences (Diplome d’Ingenieur Agronome). University of Lome -Togo


û September 2020 to date : Scientific Coordinator of Natural resources managment at the  Scientific Direction of ITRA

-        Coordination of research activities in soil and fertility, water, irrigation, forest, and mechanization.

-        Project team leader of soil fertility maping and fertilizer rate reommadation for main crops

-        Soil science projects project approval, monitoring et evaluation and ITRA

-        Member of project implentation team of saline affected soils project (RESADE Project) in collabration with international Centre fo biosaline Agriculture (ICBA)

û 2006 to Date: part-time lecturer at the National Institute of Agricultural Training of Tove (INFA-Tove). Courses: Management and Improvement of agricultural soil fertility, Defence and Soils restoration and Hydrologeology.


û 2019 - 2020 : International Coordinator of West Afriaca Fertilizer Association (WAFA)

-         Technical and administrative coordination of WAFA staff

-         Development and implementation of WAFA activities plans

-         Straight collaboration with EnGRAIS project (IFDC) to promote fertilizer consumption in West Africa

-         Organisation of the West African Fertilizer Forums

-         Collaboration with private sectors, BAD and BIDC for fertilizer financing in West AFrica

û 2014- 2019: PhD courses in soil science, field and labolatory research work in Ghana and Togo. Topic: “Management of urea supergranule (USG) application to improve growth and yield of rice (Oriza sativa l.) in some paddy soils of Togo and Ghana

û 2008-2014 : Soil and Fertility Program leader at ITRA

®      National Coordinator of the Sub-Regional Project (2012-2014): « Identification d’options politiques et stratégiques pour une meilleure adoption des résultats de la recherche par les exploitations agricoles familiales en Afrique de l’Ouest » (AGRIFAM) (Funded by WB through WAAP-CORAF/WECARD Project).

-        Coordination of a multidisciplinary research team of the project ;

-        Initiation and facilitation of Agricultural Innovation Platforms (in Affem Area in Togo);

-        Promotion of quality protein maize (QPM) value chain in the area;

-        Work plans designing and implementation of various socio-economic studies of the Project;

-        Monitory and Evaluation, data collection, analysis of the project;

-        Report writing and submission;

-        International collaboration with six National Agricultural Research Organization in West Africa and CORAF/WECARD

®      Coordinator of the collaborative activities with PARTAM project (Projet d’Aménagement des Terres Agricoles de Mission-Tové) (2012-2014), funded by IDB (Islamic Development Bank). Introduction of adapted technologies of soil fertility management for rice intensification in the irrigated valley of Zio-Togo”. Demonstration plots on improved fallow of Mucuna, rapid composting of rice straw, and Urea Deep Placement technologies .


®      National focal point of RAILS (Regional Agricultural Information and Learning Systems) of PSTAD project (Promotion of Science and Technology for Agricultural Development) (2011-2014)

Agronomist in the national multidisciplinary team of “Dissemination of New Agricultural Technologies in Africa (DONATA)” project implemented in the Savannah and Kara regions of Togo.  (Funded by ADB).

International collaboration with FARA, CORAF/WECARD, and National Research Institutes of 32 African countries on the project.

®      Urea Deep Placement (UDP) Project focal point at ITRA. Project implemented in collaboration with IFDC: action plans designing, demonstration plots installation, participatory Research and learning with rice farmers and other stakeholders on UDP in the irrigated Valley of Zio-Togo. Master’s thesis supervision of a student (2009-2011)

®      Technical Coordinator of Clusters of Rice, Soybean, and Pineapple in Coastal Region of Togo on 1000S+ and 2SCALE (Agribusiness) Projects in collaboration with IFDC-Togo (2006-2011). Activity planning for the clusters, identification and implementation of Participatory research and studies for the clusters, Organisation and leading of coordination meetings and events, National trainer of trainers on CASE approach, M&E data collection and analysis, project report writing.

û 2005-2006: Program Leader of Agricultural and Environment Program at CADI-Togo (Coopération pour un Appui au Développement Intégré du Togo). Technical support of farmers for best practices in crop and animal production.

û 2002- 2004: Research Assistant in the Program of Integrated Intensification (PII) at IFDC-Lome. Implementation of Darégal ferlitization project; active participation to participatory learning and Research action on ISFM (Integrated Soil Fertility Management) in the Coastal Region of Togo.