KENOU Christel

Company: CORAF

Position: Communication expert

Expert Summary

Christel KENOU is a communications expert with 11 years of experience in strategic communications and knowledge management. With a masterā€™s degree in communication and marketing, his expertise lies in developing comprehensive communication strategies, producing compelling articles, videos, and promotional materials, and managing events. Proficient in both French and English, his strong writing skills have empowered him to enhance the online presence of organizations like CORAF, Expertise France, OCEF/MCA-Benin 2 and CTA (ACP-EU). He has excelled in leading communication efforts for national and regional projects, engaging diverse stakeholders and mobilizing media. His skills in project management, knowledge management and data visualization have enabled him to drive impact across various contexts.


  1. Toni HC, Somadon L, Ahoudji PP, KĆ©nou C, Djossa BA, 2023. Diet of the mona monkey Cercopithecus mona in the GnanhouizounmĆØ community forest in Southern Benin. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 46.2, 147-153,Ā
  2. Chadare, FJ, Idohou, R, Nago, E, Affonfere, M, Agossadou, J, Fassinou, TK, KĆ©nou, C, Honfo, S, Azokpota, P, Linnemann, AR, Hounhouigan, DJ. 2019. Conventional and foodā€toā€food fortification: An appraisal of past practices and lessons learned. Food Sci Nutr. 2019; 00: 1ā€“ 15.
  3. Ā Salako V. K., KĆ©nou C., Dainou K., Assogbadjo A. E., KakaĆÆ R. G. 2018. Impacts of land use types on spatial patterns and neighbourhood distance of the agroforestry palm Borassus aethiopum Mart. in two climatic regions in Benin, West Africa. Agroforestry Systems, 1-15.Ā 
  4. GuendƩhou F, Djossa B.A, KƩnou C, Assogbadjo A.E. 2018. Review of Ethnomedical, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Studies of Zanthoxylum Zanthoxyloides (Lam). Scholars Journal of Research in Agriculture and Biology. 3(3): 244-254
  5. KĆ©nou, C. 2018. A new way to practice agriculture. ICT Update (86): 14.
  6. Sohou L.R., KĆ©nou C., Sogbedji J.M., Sintondji L.O., Agbossou E.K., Mensah G.A. 2017. SynthĆØse bibliographique sur les technologies de maitrise de lā€™eau pour les cultures dans les zones humides tropicales. European Scientific Journal, 13 (3): 152-170
  7. KĆ©nou C., Boyera S. 2017. Enhancing the use of data for agriculture. CTA, Policy Brief, Wageningen, Netherlands
  9. KĆ©nou C. 2016. Overview of interesting extension services for climate smart agriculture in West Africa. In Sala S, Rossi F, David S. (Eds) Supporting agricultural extension towards Climate-Smart Agriculture: An overview of existing tools. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Italy p. 28-30.

Additional Info



M.Sc. Agronomy, Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin

Master Communication and Marketing, Higher Institute of Management (ISM) of Dakar, Senegal


Communications Manager, West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF)


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