Depieu Meougbé Ernest

Je suis Dr Depieu Ernest, Chercheur et Chef du programme Systèmes Agraires et Développement Durable au CNRA.


Dr. Mahyao Germain Adolphe is the Director of the National Center for Agronomic Research (CNRA) Research Station in Gagnoa in Côte d’Ivoire. He has over 19 years of experience as a senior agricultural researcher and evaluation experts, including 12 years conducting...

Tyonongu Roland

I am a founder, entrepreneur and small business development consultant that’s an Agritech enthusiast. 

Norman, Prince Emmanuel

Dr. Prince E. Norman holds a Bachelor of Science in Crop Science from Njala University College, University of Sierra Leone (1999-2003), a Master of Science in Crop Science from Njala University, Sierra Leone (2005-2006); a Master of Science in Plant Breeding from the...


Agroéconomiste ;  Bonnes connaissances en Sociologie, Economie, Sécurité Alimentaire et Développement Durable ;  Bonnes connaissances en Agriculture Intelligente face au climat (AIC) et les Services Climatologiques participatifs et intégrés pour l’Agriculture...