Mahugnon Djohy

Mahugnon Djohy is economist, adaptation and resilience (A&R) consultant. I have expertise in climate-smart agriculture, long-term development strategies and planning, water-energy-food nexus policies, disaster resilience, climate risks and vulnerabilities...

PELEBE Edéya Orobiyi Rodrigue

Dr. PELEBE Edéya Orobiyi Rodrigue is a Researcher at the World Bank Africa Centre of Excellence in Coastal Resilience, University of Cape Coast, Ghana, and member of the Research Laboratory in Aquaculture and Aquatic Ecotoxicology, University of Parakou, Benin. He...

KENOU Christel

Christel KENOU is a communications expert with 11 years of experience in strategic communications and knowledge management. With a master’s degree in communication and marketing, his expertise lies in developing comprehensive communication strategies, producing...

Lubunga Kapasa Balthazar

Ingénieur en Sciences Agronomiques, mes connaissances dans la production, la protection des végétaux et l’agro écologie sont les bases de mes compétences. Par des formations diverses, je suis intéressé par la conservation des aires protégées (des écosystèmes), la...