Company: Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria
Position: Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist
Charles Ebojei is a seasoned Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) expert with Doctorate and Masters’ degrees in Agricultural Economics from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria. He obtained his first degree in Agricultural Economics from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria. He has over 20 years of experience in the fields of MEL, Agricultural Economics, Agri-business and the Academia. He has served in various capacities in developmental projects, including being the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist for a World Bank-sponsored project - West Africa Agricultural Productivity Programme (WAAPP) from 2012-2018. He served as the Project Economist for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-sponsored Biosafety and Biotechnology Rapid Assessment Policy Project (BioRAPP), a project that lasted for three years in Nigeria, 2018-2021. He is currently the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist at the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria, and the Country’s Representative, West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF/WECARD) Regional Working Group on Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning. He is also an Adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Abuja, Nigeria. He is an experienced consultant who has supervised and conducted numerous studies including feasibility, baseline, midline, endline, needs assessment, impact evaluation, international trade, etc. He has also organized and facilitated a lot of trainings for different organizations. He has conducted Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for several proposed infrastructural projects in Nigeria, including the Abuja-Kaduna-Kano highway presently under construction. He has also reviewed copious EIA reports for the Federal Ministry of Environment on behalf of the Federal Government of Nigeria. He is experienced in setting up innovation platforms for agricultural commodities.
· Ebojei, C.O., Ayinde, T.B., and Akogwu, G.O. (2012). Socio-economic Factors influencing the Adoption of Hybrid Maize in Giwa Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria. The Journal of Agricultural Sciences; 7 (1): 23 - 32
§ PhD Agricultural Economics 2016 § M.Sc Agricultural Economics 2008 § B.Agric Agricultural Economics 2000 § ND Agricultural Engineering 1994 |
[2021 – Date] COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE, West and Central Africa Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF/WECARD) Regional Working Group on Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL)
Develop the Monitoring and Evaluation system for the Agricultural Research System at country level
Measure Impact of CORAF/WECARD Projects/Interventions in Nigeria
Promote effective alignment between existing Monitoring and Evaluation mechanisms in the sub-region within the Agricultural Research for Development ecosystem
Contribute to the improvement of the knowledge of the working group on the CORAF/WECARD M&E Strategy and operational manual, the existing regional M&E mechanism at CORAF/WECARD level including the main M&E Tools
[2019 – Date] MONITORING AND EVALUATION SPECIALIST, Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN)
Coordinates the M&E plan, development of Result-based monitoring and evaluation tools and template of all research activities from planning to implementation.
Coordinate the M&E Units of all the Agricultural Research Institutes and Federal Colleges of Agriculture in Nigeria with a bid to collecting and collating Institutional data for the purpose of tracking success in the system and writing periodic reports for the Agricultural Research System of Nigeria.
Conducting Impact Evaluation for the agricultural research system of Nigeria
Analyse Data from the field using statistical packages such as STATA, SPSS and EXCEL.
Prepare periodic report for the agricultural research system of the country
Editing of The Journal of Applied Agricultural Research (JAAR), published by ARCN.
Prepares policy and technical briefs and make recommendations for Council.
[2021 – Date] ADJUNCT LECTURER, (Department of Agricultural Economics, University Of Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria)
Postgraduate Teaching (Department of Agricultural Economics)
ü Econometrics (AEC 807): MSc First Semester Core Course
ü Advanced Econometrics (AEC 907): PhD First Semester Core Course
ü MICROECONOMICS (AEC 801): MSc First Semester Core Course
ADVANCED MICROECONOMICS (AEC 901): PhD First Semester Core Course
ü MACROECONOMICS (AEC 802): MSc Second Semester Core Course
ü ADVANCED MACROECONOMICS (AEC 902): PhD Second Semester Core Course
Undergraduate Teaching (Department of Agricultural Economics)
ü MICROECONOMICS (AEC 312): First Semester Core Course for 300L
ü MICROECONOMIC THEORY (AEC 510): First Semester Core Course for 500L
ü MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS FOR AGRICULTURE (AEC 225): Second Semester Undergraduate Core Course
Project/Thesis Supervision
ü Supervised 8 Undergraduate Projects for the 2020/2021 Academic Session and 4 Undergraduate Projects for the 2021/2022 Academic Session
ü Supervised 6 Postgraduate Theses (Masters and PhD) for the 2020/2021 Academic Season
[May 2018 – December 2020] PROJECT ECONOMIST: {Biotechnology and Biosafety Rapid Assessment and Policy Platform (BioRAPP)}: Project Sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates and Implemented by International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Assist in developing Models and Tools for the Rapid Ex-ante Economic Assessments of Cowpea and Maize Genetically Modified (GM) Technologies
Provide timely, local, evidence-based estimations about the Economic benefits of the GM Technologies
Enhance existing local capacity to provide timely economic assessment
[2010 – 2018] MONITORING AND EVALUATION (M&E) SPECIALIST: West Africa Agricultural Productivity Programme (WAAPP) Nigeria. A Programme sponsored by the World Bank.
Designing and Implementing M&E plan, regularly updating the project’s M&E Plan including project indicators and methodologies
and following the template provided by the Project Appraisal Document (PAD)
Assisted the Project Coordinator in the preparation of annual work plan and budget
Assisted in establishing Innovation Platforms for value chain activities for WAAPP priority commodities across the country
Mainstreaming of gender in M&E design and implementation, and supporting M&E staff across the M&E system to effectively implement gender-sensitive M&E indicators and methods
Established a robust M&E system for the project and coordinating this system for proper management of information/data
Developed a detailed reporting template for all M&E activities in accordance with the project’s standard
Uploading and updating processed data from Nigeria to the sub-regional M&E electronic result framework
Assist in the development of the M&E manual for the project in Nigeria
Coordinated the Baseline, Midline and Endline studies of the Project
Participated in the conduct of the Impact Evaluation Study and Implementation Completion Report of WAAPP
Organized and conducted Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation workshops and trainings for project officers across the country
Guide the conduct of impact assessment studies and analyse data for impact assessment reports.
Undertake and oversee relevant studies and surveys
Produce timely periodic technical reports of the Project in Nigeria for stakeholders including the major donor (World Bank)
[2009 – Date] Consultancy Services carried out
ü Capacity Building on the Utilization of Grant to Selected Oil Palm/Rubber Farmers in Cross River State. A Zonal Intervention Programme (January, 2024)
ü Capacity Building on Project Management for Livestock Productivity and Resilience Support (L-PRESS) Project Staff in Niger State (World Bank-Sponsored), (December, 2023)
Training Facilitated for Staff of Border Community
ü Development Agency on Monitoring and Evaluation in Project Management (February, 2023)
ü Capacity Building on Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks & Results based monitoring and evaluation for Staff of Digital Identification for Development Project (January 2023)
ü Environmental Impact Assessment of Abuja-Kaduna-Kano road (2019)
ü Needs Assessment Survey for Agricultural Transformation Agenda Support Programme 1 (ATASP-I) (2017)
ü Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Tatabu Bridge Re-construction project, Niger State, Nigeria (2017)
ü Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Michael Imodu Road Dualization project, Kwara State, Nigeria (2017)
ü Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Mayanchi Bridge construction project, Zamfara State, Nigeria (2017)
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Dogon Karfi Bridge construction project, Zamfara State, Nigeria (2017)
The calendar for Charles_.