TAVARES, Jacques de Pina

Company: National Institute for Agricultural and Development Research (INIDA)


Expert Summary

°       1997-1999 _ National Volunteer of United Nations (NVUN) in Rural Development

°       2000-2002_ Technician of the National Direction of Environment

     2002-2016_ Research Graduate Assistant - National Institute of Research and Agrarian Development (INIDA) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment

     2016-2019 _ Director of Forestry and Rural Engineering of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment

°       2019-2021 _ Research Graduate Assistant - National Institute of Research and Agrarian Development-Coordinator of Geospatial Laboratory


°       2022-2024 _ Director of Research, Innovation and Technology of INIDA


1.      Mapping of soil erosion risk in Santiago Island.  In “Africa Geosciences Review”.2006

2.      Aloe Vera- Life Barriers in Cape Verde. In Book “Sustainable Land Management in Practice. Guidelines and Best Practices for Sub-Saharan Africa. Edited by TerrAFrica. Preparado pelo WOCAT e Coordenado pela FAO ”.2008


3.      Efficiency of overland and erosion mitigation techniques at Ribeira Seca, Santiago Island, Cape Verde. In the Book “Overland Flow and Surface Runoff in Hydrological Science and Engineering-www.novapublishers.com”.2012

4.      Aloe Vera- Living Barriers. In the Book “DESIRE for Greener Land-Options for Sustainable Land Management in Drylands by WOCAT” (2011)

5.      Afforestation in Cape Verde. In “DESIRE for Greener Land-Options for Sustainable Land Management in Drylands pelo WOCAT”

6.      Training Information and Awareness. Publicado em 2012 no Livro “DESIRE for Greener Land-Options for Sustainable Land Management in Drylands pelo WOCAT”.

7.      Assessment and Mapping of Desertification Sensitivity in an Insular Sahelian Mountain Region _ Case study of Ribeira Seca Watershed, Cape Verde (Poster presented in the “European Geosciences Union - Vienne in 2012”.

8.      Water Erosion and land Degradation in Cape Verde. In the Book CABO VERDE: Análise Socio ambiental e Perspectivas para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável em Áreas Semiáridas (Original version in Portuguese), 2013.


  1. Appraising and selecting strategies to combat and mitigate Desertification based on stakeholder knowledge and global Best practices in Cape Verde Archipelago. REVIEW: Land Degradation & Development. Land Degrad. Develop. 25: 45–57 (2014). Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2273

  1. Assessment of arable soils according to land degradation measures in the protected areas of São Vicente and Santo Antão Islands – Cape Verde. 2014 (Original version in Portuguese).

  1.  Sustainable Agriculture and Soil and Water Conservtion Practices in measures in the protected areas of São Vicente and Santo Antão Islands – Cape Verde. 2014 (Original version in Portuguese)

  1. Selecting best mapping strategies for storm runoff modeling in a mountainous semi-arid area. In the Review “EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 39, 1030–1048 (2015). (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/esp.3501”.

  1. Watershed management technologies to strengthen Cape Verde resilience to climate change and to mitigate desertification effects, 2015. In FAO Review “Nature & Faune journal - Volume 30, Issue No. 1 - "Sustainable soil management: Key to food security and nutrition in Africa". Editor: Foday Bojang     Deputy Editor: Ada Ndeso-Atanga, FAO Regional Office for Africa. Nature & Faune- Enhancing natural resources management for food security in Africa. Volume 30, Issue 1. COUNTRY FOCUS:  REPUBLIC OF CABO VERDE. 2016. Pp 103-107.


  1. Reforestation as a strategy in the restoration of shallow soils and recharge of groundwater in Cabo Verde, 2016. In FAO Review “Sustainable management of forests and wildlife in Africa: Enhancing value, benefits and services” . Editor: Foday Bojang , Deputy Editor: Ada Ndeso-Atanga, FAO Regional Office for Africa-ACCRA. Nature & Faune - Enhancing natural resources management for food security in Africa. Volume 30, Issue 2. Pp 56-61.
  2. Assessment and mapping the sensitive area to desertification in a insular sahelian mountain region- Case study of the Ribeira Seca Watershed of Cape Verde in the REVIEW: Catena.2016.

  1. Global Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Potential National Map. 2021. National Report. Version 10.0. Year 2021. FAO: GSP (Global Soil Partnership)-INIDA/MAA. 23 pp.


Bachelor in Agroforestry (2000)

Master in Environment & Earth Sciences (2002)

Ph.D. Earth Sciences (2010)


1997-1999 _
National Volunteer of United Nations (NVUN)
in Rural Development

§  Support the Government of Cabo Verde (Cape Verde) - Executive Secretariat for the Environment (SEPA in Portuguese) to
implement the 3 International Conventions: Desertification / Climate Change /Biodiversity at the national level.

§  Support the national Consultors

§  Work in close collaboration with the Central Services (DGASP, INIDA, INMG, INGRH current ANAS) the Regional Delegations of
the Ministry of Agriculture, Local Authorities, NGOs, Local Associations and Farmers in:

§  Identification of environmental problems, agriculture and livestock sector

§  The preparation of project files

§  Identification of environmental problems, agriculture and livestock sector

§  Elaboration des fiches de projects

§  The articulation between the different stakeholders and stakeholders in the agrarian and environmental sector (cited above) for the development and implementation of the identified actions.

§  Creation of synergy and common ground among the different beneficiaries / actors (stakeholders)

§  The link between the programs of the three Conventions: Biodiversity, Desertification and Climate Change

§  Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of actions in the field

§  Organization of workshops to take stock ofprojects progress and the dissemination of good agriculture practices

§  The collection, capitalization, treatment and disclosure of lessons learned and results obtained through meetings, workshops, brochures and posters

2000-2002_Technician of the National Direction of Environment

§  Identification and implementation of local actions and activities to combat desertification and land degradation with the

§  Monitoring and evaluation of activities and actions on field of the projects of the Rio-1992 Convention

§  Support the DNA to implement a National Information System on Environment (SIE)

§   Meetings of results socialization

§  Elaboration of project reports for UNEP and DNA

2002-2016_ Research Graduate Assistant - National Institute of Research and Agrarian Development (INIDA) of the Ministry of Agriculture
and Environment

§ Responsible for the soil, erosion and land conservation research area

§ Scientific coordinator of the project on the Management of Natural Resources financed by the French cooperation in Praia (2004-2006)

§ Scientific coordinator of the project "DESIRE:
www.desire-project" on land degradation and desertification, financed by the European Union (2007-2012):

§ Identification of the project intervention área

§ Identification and active involvement of the various actors concerned and affected by desertification

§ Implementation of soil conservation practices

§ Organization and realization of 3 Workshops throughout the project with the effective participation of the different stakeholders of the study area

§ Publication of several works on the results obtained under the project

§ Coordinator of the elaboration of Cabo Verde Desertification Map at the
watershed scale

2016-2019 _ Director of Forestry and Rural Engineering of the Ministry
of Agriculture and Environment

§ Coordinator of actions carried out nationwide in the fields of forestry and the implementation of works and soil and water conservation measures, financed
by the Government of Cabo Verde, BADEA (Arab Bank for Africa Development), JICA, ADB (African Developing Bank).  etc.

§ Coordinator of the Project "Surface Water Mobilization and Integrated Management of Hydric Resources in Cabo Verde" financed by the
ADB (African Developing Bank).

§ Coordinator of the Program "Neutrality in Land Degradation Terms (NLD)" financially supported by the UNCCD, Global Mechanism, Luxembourg
and Cabo Verde.

§ Coordinator of the Project "Environmental and Socioeconomic Feasibility Studies of Three Watersheds on the Island of Santo Antão"
financed by the Kuwait Fund.

§ Coordinator of the Project "Valorization and Development of the São João Baptista Watershed on the Island of Santiago" financed by BADEA

§ Coordinator of the Project Execution Units at central and local level

§ Organization of workshops for socialization and validation of project results

§ Manage the audit and evaluation missions of the donors

§ Preparation of monthly and annual project reports submitted to national authorities and donors

§ Create synergies among partners involved in project implementation

2019-2021 _ Research Graduate Assistant - National Institute of Research and Agrarian Development-Coordinator
of Geospatial Laboratory

§ Coordinator of Land use land cover mapping of the islands of Cabo Verde

§ National Coordinator of Land Degradation Neutrality Project – Elaboration of PIF and PPG documents

§ Coordination of Geo Spatial Laboratory of INIDA

§ Focal Point of GSP (GlobalSoil Partnership – FAO)

§ Focal Point of CORAF (West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research & Development)


2022-2024 _ Director of Research, Innovation and Technology of INIDA

§ Coordination of Agriculture and livestock Direction

§ Coordination of Environmental Direction

§ Coordinator of Quality and Certification of Products Direction