Company: Institute of Agricultural Research for Development
Position: Senior Socio-economics researcher (maitre de recherche)
With over 23 years of work experience, Precillia is a social science researcher working for the Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD) as a Senior Socio-economic researcher. Her work focuses on 1) Politics of (Nexus between) Agriculture and Natural Resources; 2) Food Security and Nutrition Sciences 3) Marketing and Value Chain Analysis; 4) Governance and Development; 5) Agricultural Innovations, Innovation Systems and Climate Change. In the field of natural resources, her work has focused on Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs); natural resource management; fuelwood, forest, people and livelihoods; food security and nutrition; multi stakeholder processes and forest policy and governance. In agriculture, she worked on value chain analysis, marketing, seed system analysis, farmers-graziers conflict, farming and cropping systems, cocao/coffee intensification systems, climate smart agriculture etc. She has also carried out and led large scale studies on baseline and endline surveys and project evaluation studies. Since 2020, she started working more intensively on agricultural innovations and innovation systems and climate change in arid areas. She is verse with quantitative and qualitative research integrating Monitoring & Evaluation and impact evaluation approaches and has interest and experience in Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) frameworks. She is a member of the CORAF MEL task force.
Although since 2002 she has been working for IRAD in Cameroon, before and in-between she has served as a consultant for organizations as CRS, AVRDC, IUCN, COMIFAC, The Worldbank, CIFOR, ICRAF, FAO, IITA, STCP etc. Presently, she has over 30 published papers, 2 book chapters, 1 book and more than 60 project completion, consultancy and workshop reports. She also held some post of responsibility in IRAD. From 2011 – 2013 she was head of the socio-economic program and during 2013-2020 she was head of the intensification and diversification programs. From 2016 - 2020, she was appointed as the Sub-Director incharge of the Communication and Documentation Unit of IRAD. Here, she managed the website, IT, telephone, library and internet facilities of the institution. She galvanized this unit and put in place an institutional newsletter called IRADnews.
Precillia has a multidisciplinary academic background and has benefitted from many scholarships. During her PhD in Environmental Science from Rhodes University, South Africa from 2013 – 2016, she was part of the 2014 round of the McNamara Fellowship program. Between 2007-2008, she studied and obtained an MSc in Governance and Development in Sub-Sahara Africa from Antwerp University, Belgium through the VLIR scholarship program. Before, she studied in the University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon from 2001-2002 obtaining a Post graduate diploma in Economic Policy Management sponsored by a Worldbank through the Africa Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) program. With brilliant performances from high school, she was privileged to enter the prestigious Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences of the University of Dschang Cameroon from 1993-1999 where she obtained the ‘Diplôme D’Ingénieur Agronome’ (Post Graduate Diploma in Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, specialized in Economics and Rural Sociology). Here, she benefited from the excellency scholarship from the Ministry of Higher Education in Cameroon.
1. The contribution of fruit from trees to improve household nutritional security in the context of deforestation in Cameroon – PhD thesis Rhodes University South Africa (2013-2015);
2. The Management and restoration of the Kivu Lake watershed: Win-win institutional arrangements for conservation and livelihoods? - Masters thesis Antwerpen University, Belgium (2007-2008);
3. The formal and informal economy interface in the Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) sector: A commodity chain analysis of NTFP Post graduate diploma (DESS) thesis University of Yaounde II, Cameroon (2001-2002) -;
4. Determinants of fuel wood selling prices in the rural and urban centres of the Far North Province of Cameroon - ‘Ingénieur Agronome’ thesis, University of Dschang, Cameroon (1993-1998).
1. Kaldjob Mbeh Christian Bernard, Tata Ngome Precillia, Douya Emmanuel, Nso Ngang Andre, Bamou Tankoua Lydie, Simo Brice Herman (2022) Assessment of health hazards and risk perceptions of market garden producers towards the effects of pesticides in Western Region Cameroon. African Journal of Agricultural Research
2. Simo B.H., Y. Nyingchia Y., C. D. Vaillam, M. Mveme, E-J. Nossi, F. Adama, S. N. Eyenga, U. T. Kiparah, V. P. Nchinda, G. Ntsomboh Ntsefong, P. Tata-Ngome (2021) Inventaire des produits transformés à base de pomme de terre et leur marketing dans la ville de Yaoundé, Cameroun. Journal d’Economie, de Management, d’Environnement et de Droit (JEMED) ISSN 2605-6461 Vol 4. N° 1
3. Dury S., L. Temple, Tata Ngome P., Syndhia Mathe (2021) Comment la crise du Covid a fragilisé les systèmes alimentaires en Afrique subsaharienne. The Conversation
4. Tumamo Djuidja, U. H., Nso Ngang, A., Kenfack Essougong, U. P., Kaldjob Mbeh, C. B., Fongang Fouepe, G., Jaza Folefack, A. J., Tata Ngome, P. I. (2021) Effect of Group Dynamics on Teamwork Technical Efficiency in Agriculture: Case of Cocoa Farmers Organization in Biwong-Bulu, South Region of Cameroon. JCCR | Journal of Community & Communication Research, 6(2), 263-272.
5. Kenfack Essougong, U. P., Maja S., Syndhia M., Wouter V, Tata Ngome P.I., Philippe B., Ken E. Giller, Lotte S. Woittiez and Cees Leeuwis (2020) Farmers’ Perceptions as a Driver of Agricultural Practices: Understanding Soil Fertility Management Practices in Cocoa Agroforestry Systems in Cameroon. Human Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10745-020-00190-0
6. Mabah T. G. L., Nyingchia Y. Y., Nso Ngang A., Adama F., Tata-Ngome P. (2020) Ethnic Origin Influence on Urban Households Potato Purchase: Evidence from Yaoundé, Cameroon Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies JHSSS 2(4):213-220
7. Mafouasson, H.N.A., Kenga, R., Gracen, V. Ntsomboh-Ntsefong, G., Tandzi, L. N, Tata Ngome P. I. (2020) Production Constraints, Farmers’ Preferred Characteristics of Maize Varieties in the Bimodal Humid Forest Zone of Cameroon and Their Implications for Plant Breeding. Agric Res (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40003-020-00463-6
8. Tata Ngome P., C. Shackleton, A. Degrande (2019) Knowledge and knowledge sources on the importance of fruits for nutritional security are unaffected by deforestation status in Cameroon" Fruits, The International Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture 74 (6) 272-281 | DOI: 10.17660/th2019/74.6.2 ISSN 0248-1294 print and 1625-967X
9. Nain C. W., Njoya M. A., Mahbou P. Y., Nde S. N., Imele H., Nambangia J. O., Lendzemo W. V., Tata Ngome P., Woin Noe (2019) Assessing the processing attributes of some potato (Solanum tuberosum L) varieties grown in the North West Region of Cameroon Journal of Food Science & Technology 4(9)p:946-955
10. Tata Ngome P., C. Shackleton, A. Degrande, Eric Joel Nossi, Francis Ngome (2019) Assessing household food insecurity experience in the context of deforestation in Cameroon. Food Policy https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2019.02.003
11. Billa, S.F., Tsi, E.A., Tchamba, N.M., Ngome, A.F., Tata Ngome, P.I. (2018). Environmental and socio-economic feasibility of Biochar application for cassava production in the bimodal rainfall zone of Cameroon. International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research 2: 1-9.
12. Tata Ngome P. I., Afari-Sefa Victor, Ntsomboh-Ntsefong Godswill, Okolle Justin, Billa Samuel Fru, Moma Crescence, Atemkeng Fonji Maureen, Ngome Ajebesone Francis (2018) Investigating strategies for implementing a sustainable vegetable food crop system in three agro ecological zones of the humid tropics area of Cameroon. African Study Monographs, 39 (1): 27 – 46.
13. Tata Ngome P. I., Shackleton C., Degrande A. and Tieguhong J. C. (2017) Addressing constraints in promoting wild edible plants’ utilization in household nutrition: case of the Congo Basin forest area. Agriculture & Food Security, 6: 20 DOI: 10.1186/s40066-017-0097-5.
14. Billa S. F., Ngome A. F., T. E. Angwafo and Tata Ngome P. (2017) Waterleaf (Talinum triangulare) response to biochar application in a humid-tropical forest soil Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management 8(5):95-103.
15. Nambangia J. Okolle, V. Afari-Sefa, J-C. Bidogeza, P. I. Tata and F. A. Ngome (2016) An evaluation of smallholder farmers' knowledge, perceptions, choices and gender perspectives in vegetable pests and diseases control practices in the humid tropics of Cameroon International Journal of Pest Management doi.org/10.1080/09670874.2016.1184772
16. Ndo E.D.G., A. Ngatchou, P. I. Tata, C. Mfoumou Eyi and A. Nso Ngang (2016) Contraintes du cadre légal et performance socio-économique des produits forestiers non ligneux au Cameroun., Science et Technique, Spécial hors-série n°3 Lettres, Sciences sociales et humaines page 35-48.
17. Tata P., C. Mfoumou Eyi, E.G. D. Ndo, A. Ngatchou and Y. Ndoua Zang (2016) Identifications et classification des produits forestiers non ligneux prioritaires selon les utilisations et l’écologie dans la région du sud-ouest Cameroun. Science et Technique Spécial hors-série n°3, Science Naturelle et Agronomie page 23-40.
18. Batchep M., E. G. D. Ndo, P. I. Tata, A. Awono, C. Mfoumou Eyi, A. Ngatchou, and J. KENGUE (2016) Opportunités et contraintes de l’exploitation de trois produits forestiers non ligneux prioritaires de la région du Centre- Cameroun. Science et Technique Spécial hors-série n°3 Science Naturelle et Agronomie page 57-70.
19. Ajambang W. and Tata P. I. (2016) Fruit Crop theft and its impacts on the productivity of oil palm agro-industries in Cameroon. Developing Country Studies 6(5).
20. Tata P.I., Afari-Sefa V., Ntsomboh-Ntsefong G., Billa S. F., Ngome A. F. and Okolle J. (2016) Policy and institutional frameworks impacting on vegetable seed production and distribution systems in Cameroon. Journal of Crop Improvement DOI 10.1080/15427528.2016.1141134.
21. Ngome -Tata P. I., Mveme M., C. Ndikumagenge, Nso Ngang A. (2015) Interface between Local Actors, Livelihoods and Conservation around the Kivu Lake Watershed in the African Great Lakes Region. International Journal of World Policy and Development Studies 2 (2): 7-14.
22. Ngome A.F., Mepiemfu-Lamare D., Tata P.I. and Suh C. (2015). Assessing biotic and abiotic constraints to upland rice cultivation in Cameroon. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International 33: 33-40.
23. Tata P.I. and Ndikumagenge C. (2013) Dependency on natural resources: Post-Conflict challenges for livelihoods security and environmental sustainability. Development in Practice 23 (3) 372–388.
24. Ngome A.F., Amougou M.C.F., Tata-Ngome P.I., Mfopou C., Ndindeng S.A. and Njeudeng T.S. (2013) Effects of cassava cultivation on soil quality indicators in the humid forest zone of Cameroon. Greener Journal of Agricultural Science 3 (6):451- 457.
25. Tata P. I., Ndikumagenge C., Ngome W. E., Chicaia A. and Tamar R. (2012) Transboundary dialogue and cooperation: First Lessons from igniting negotiations on joint management of the Mayombe forest in the Congo Basin. International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 2(3): 121-131. http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.ijaf.20120203.08.html.
26. Ngome A.F., Mtei M.K. and Tata P.I. (2012) Mucuna pruriens differentially affect maize yields in three soils of Kakamega District. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 6: 941-949.
27. Ngueguim J. R., Dondjang J.P., Onana J., Tata P. I., Zapfack I., Noiha V.N., Kengne O. C. and Momo C.S. (2011) Moabi (Baillonella toxisperma Pierre): Arbre à usage multiple de forêt dense humide du Cameroun. International Journal of Chemical and Biological Science 5 : 2395-2406.
28. Ngome-Tata P. I., Walter S., Ngueguim J. R. (2011) An overview of policy and institutional frameworks impacting the use of non timber forest products in Central Africa. International Journal of Social Forestry (IJSF) 4 (1):64-85.
29. Ndikumagenge C. and Ngome-Tata P. I. (2009) Quantifying NTFPs: An ITTO-sponsored project helps address the lack of information on non-timber forest products in Central Africa. ITTO Tropical Forest Update 18(4): 3 - 5.
Books /Books chapters (04)
1. Jeremie Mbairamadji, Gervais Itsoua Madzous, Jean-Claude Nguinguiri, Valérie Tchuente, Donald Djossi, Sédric Edmond Tiobo’o, Tata Ngome Precillia (2022) Intégration des objectifs de développement durable (ODD) à la gestion durable des forêts en Afrique centrale : état des lieux, défis et options d’amélioration chapter 6 dans Eba’a Atyi R, Hiol Hiol F, Lescuyer G, Mayaux P, Defourny P, Bayol N, Saracco F, Pokem D, Sufo Kankeu R et Nasi R. (2022). Les forêts du bassin du Congo : état des forêts 2021. Bogor, Indonésie : CIFOR.
2. Woin N., Tata Ngome P., Waingeh N. C., Adjoudji O., Nossi E. J., Simo B., Yingchia Y., Nsongang A., Adama F., Mveme M., Dickmi V. C., Okolle J. (2019). Suitability of Different Processing Techniques and Sales Options for Irish Potato (Solanum Tuberusum) Cultivars in Cameroon. FARA Research Report. Volume 4(4): PP 83.
3. Tata P. I. (2004) Fuelwood in the Maroua area of the Far North Province of Cameroon (Chapter 13) in Terry Sunderland and Ousseynou Ndoye, 2004. Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation: Case study of Non-Timber Forest Product systems. Vol. 2 - Africa. CIFOR Indonesia. pp 229-244 http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/publications/pdf_files/Books/NTFPAfrica/TOC-Chapter6.PDF
4. Tata P. I. (2004) Fuelwood in Cameroon: An energy source from the forest in Citlallie Lopez and Patricia Shanley, 2004. Riches from the forest: For health, life and spirit in Africa. CIFOR Indonesia. pp 65-68. http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/publications/pdf_files/Books/Restution-Africa_case/NTFP-Africa-case-part1.pdf
Some consultancy reports, project completion reports and policy briefs written (19)
1. Tata Ngome P. I. et al., (2019) Quantitative and qualitative data base on the World Bank funded GAFSP-supported project in Cameroon evaluating the performance of the PIDMA project in Cameroon.
2. Tata Ngome P. I. et al., (2018) Process and results of the farmer innovation contest organised in Cameroon during 2017 by the programme of accompanying research for agricultural innovation. Cameroon Country Report
3. Tata Ngome P. I. et al., (2018) Examining the suitability of various potato (Solanum tuberusum) varieties grown in Cameroon to different processing techniques and sales options. Cameroon Country Study
4. Nain C. W., Njoya M. A., Mahbou P. Y., Nche S. N., Imele H., Njah U., Okolle J., Tata Ngome P. (2018) Book of Recipes for Potato Dishes from The Cameroonian Cuisine
5. Tata Ngome P. I. et al., (2018) Succès stories des engagements des decideurs politiques dans le processus d’innovation agricole au cameroun : etude de la filiere avicole. Policy study report
6. Tata Ngome P. I. et al., (2018) Analyse de l’engagement des decideurs politiques dans le processus d’innovation agricole : cas des semences de maïs, de manioc et de la transformation du manioc au Cameroun : Policy study report
7. Tata Ngome P. I., Ngome A. F., Gandebe M. H. Vatsaye (2016) Seed System and Security Assessment (SSSA) Baseline Survey in the Far North Region of Cameroon. CRS Cameroon.
8. Tata Ngome et al. (2016) Etude en vue de l’analyse de la performance des innovations technologiques agricoles : La définition d’une méthode d’analyse des performances agronomique, socio- économique des clones-élites d’hévéa chez les petits exploitants de la région du Sud-Ouest et L’analyse de ces performances. BIP 2016 project.
9. Tata Ngome P.I., Fouedjeu T. J., G. Ntsomboh-Ntsefong G., Madi G., Anaba B. D., Assoumou R., Ngando E. G., Onguéné N (2015) Développement d’une stratégie de la valorisation et de marketing des semences améliorées de palmier à huile et des services associés de l’IRAD-Dibamba. Project completion report. BIP 2014.
10. Tata Ngome P.I., Billa S.F., Nyambi G., Ntimena F., Ntsomboh G.N., Ngaunkam P., Kandem C.B., Ngome A.F.E. (2014) Situational Analysis Report - Generic and human development characteristics of households, infrastructure, institutional and policy context in the Cameroon action site (Micro and macro-economics perspectives). Commissioned by the humid tropics program.
11. Nchinda V.P., Che M., Tata P. I., Abubakar S. and Chi N. (2014) “In search of common ground” for farmer-grazer conflicts in the North West region of Cameroon: Baseline survey report. Village Aid and Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association (MBOSCUDA). file:///C:/Users/projet/Downloads/Final+Baseline+Report-11-8-14+David+and+Joseph.pdf
12. Ngome-Tata P.I. et al., (2014) Fruit tree diversity on-farm and nutrition in the forest zone of Cameroon. ICRAF fruiting Africa project - Cameroon report.
13. Ngome-Tata P.I. et al., (2014) Capitalisation des expériences et des bonnes pratiques de mise en œuvre du plan de convergence dans le bassin du Congo - Cas du Cameroun (GIZ-COMIFAC projet).
14. Tata P. I., Ngome A. F., Ntsomboh N. G. and Ngayong J. W. (2014) Baseline survey for setting up smallholders’ sustainable vegetable seed supply and distribution system in humid tropics areas of Cameroon. Integrated Agricultural Systems for the Humidtropics, a CGIAR Research Project. Consultancy Report on Vegetable Seeds. 71p. https://humidtropics.cgiar.org/wp-content/report2013docs/Cameroon%20seed%20systems%20Study%20Report.pdf Last consulted November 2, 2015.
15. Ngome-Tata P.I. (2012) Forestry rules and regulation in the timber sector in Cameroon - TRAFFIC training of trainers modules development (TFL-PD 003/09/ Rev.2 (M) / INT 210.00).
16. Ngome-Tata P.I. (2012) Diagnostic and marketing survey for the upgrading of an animal feed agro industry ‘Société de fabrication des aliments de bétails (SIFAB)’ in Garoua, Cameroon. UNIDO pilot support program for upgrading, normalization and quality in Cameroon. PPAMNQ project – UNIDO, Cameroon.
17. Ngome-Tata P.I. (2012) Diagnostic and marketing survey for the upgrading of a vegetable oil agro industry – ‘Société industrielles de transformation des oléagineuse (SITRON)’ in Garoua, Cameroon. UNIDO pilot support program for upgrading, normalization and quality in Cameroon. PPAMNQ project – UNIDO, Cameroon.
18. Ngome-Tata P.I. (2009) The Management and Restoration of the Kivu Lake watershed: Win-win institutional arrangements for conservation and livelihoods? Short communication in exchange to change, IOB Newsletter n°15 - March 2009.
19. Ngome-Tata P.I. and Ndikumagenge C. (2009) Non Timber Forest Products in Cameroon, Congo, Gabon and Central African Republic: Which Choices for Livelihoods and Environmental Sustainability? Project completion Report CFC /ITTO/68FT PPD19/01 REV 1 (I))
1. Tata P. I., Shackleton C., Degrande A. and Kehlenbeck K. (2015) The contribution of fruit from trees to improve household food security in the context of deforestation in Cameroon. 22nd Bioscience Conference 3 - 4 December 2015 IRAD Nkolbisson.
2. Tata P. I., Shackleton C., Degrande A. and Kehlenbeck K. (2015) Households’ awareness of the importance of fruit consumption in the context of deforestation in Cameroon. 22nd Bioscience Conference 3 - 4 December 2015 IRAD Nkolbisson
3. Tata-Ngome P. I., Shackleton C., Degrande A. and Chupezi J.T. (2014) Hunger and undernourishment in forested areas: Positioning wild edible plants in food security and nutrition debates. Poster presented at the World Congress on Agroforestry – New Delhi, India.
4. Tata P. and Awono A. (2005) The dangers of Excessive formalization - Recognizing the impacts of the illegal informal economy on NTFP harvesting and commerce – The case of Eru (Gnetum spp) in Cameroon – Conference paper presented at the International Symposium on Non-Timber Forest Products, Community Economic Development and Forest Conservation in Victoria BC, Canada from August 25 to 27, 2005.
5. Tata P. I., Ngakanou D., Tachago V., Koona P., Kwidja R. and Djiongo P.M. (2005) Reviewing the state of coffee based agroforestry farming systems in the Western Highlands of Cameroon: Challenges, opportunities and progress – Conference paper presented at the 18th Symposium of the International Farming Systems Association Global Learning Opportunity (IFSA-GLO) on “Farming Systems and Poverty: Making a Difference” held at Salesianum, Rome, Italy in 2005.
6. Tata P. I. and Ngome A. F. E. (2004) Fuelwood production to consumption systems in the Maroua area of Cameroon. Paper presented at the international seminar on Non-Timber Forest Products held in Göttingen - Germany 10 -11 December, 2004 on the theme: Non-Timber Forest Products – A way to preserve forests.
7. Tata P (2006) Gestion durable des Produits Forestiers Non Ligneux au Cameroun, au Congo, au Gabon, et en République Centrafricaine: Quel Avenir? Presented at the ‘Première conférence internationale des parlementaires sur la gestion des écosystèmes des forets denses et humides d’Afrique centrale. Yaoundé 24 – 27 October, 2006.
8. Tata P (2006) Synthèse sous régional sur l’étude sur la gestion durable des Produits Forestiers Non Ligneux au Cameroun, au République de Congo, au Gabon et en République centrafricaine (CFC/ITTO/68FT PPD19/01 Rev 1 (I)). Presented at the CFC/ITTO regional workshop help in Douala, Cameroon.
9. Tata P.I. (2006) L’étude sur la gestion durable des Produits Forestiers Non Ligneux au Cameroun (CFC/ITTO/68FT PPD19/01 Rev 1 (I)). Presented at the CFC/ITTO regional workshop help in Douala, Cameroon.
10. Tata P.I. (2006) Cadres politique et institutionnel régissant sur l’utilisation des PFNL en Afrique centrale. GCP/RAF/398/GER – Presented at the FAO regional workshop held in Kribi, Cameroon.
1. Processus de formulation du projet sous-régionale sur la gestion de la faune et de la viande brousse en Afrique centrale: Rapport provisoire de l’atelier de lancement – Inception workshop report November 25 – 27, 2009;
2. PROJET « Appui à l’élaboration d’une stratégie et d’un plan d’actions de gestion des conflits Homme – Faune au Gabon » - Launching workshop report December 22 2009
3. Conférence Ministérielle sur L’initiative Transfrontalière de la Foret du Mayombe Cabinda, Angola - 23 & 24 juillet 2009
4. Lancement de l’Initiative Transfrontalière de la Forêt du Mayombe Située entre la République Démocratique du Congo (Luki), la République du Congo (Dimonika) et la République d’Angola (Cacongo dans la province de Cabinda) (Kinshasa – RDC 16 et 17 avril 2009).
5. Report of the meeting of the forest conservation program of The International Union for Conservation of Nature - Central and West Africa Regional Program (IUCN- PACO) Cameroon, Kribi, March 2 - 6, 2009.
6. CARPE phase 2b inception workshop – final report. Djeuga Palace Hotel Yaounde, Cameroon. February 07-09, 2007. Minutes secretary also incharge of the production of daily reports.
7. Première conférence internationale des parlementaires sur la gestion des écosystèmes des forets denses et humides d’Afrique centrale. Yaoundé , October, 2006 – Report on PFNL side event.
8. Atelier sous-régional d’Afrique centrale portent sur les Produits Forestiers Non Ligneux (PFNL) : Validation des résultats et des idées de projet de l’étude sur la gestion durable des Produits Forestiers Non Ligneux au Cameroun, au République de Congo, au Gabon et en République centrafricaine (CFC/ITTO/68FT PPD19/01 Rev 1 (I)) - Workshop Report.
9. Atelier sous régional de planification du projet GCP/RAF/398/GER, Kribi/Cameroun, 25-27 juin 2006 – Workshop report.
10. Africa regional analysis meeting of CIFOR’s International Comparison of NTFP Cases Project. Kariega Game Reserve Port Elizabeth, South Africa February 10 – 16, 2002.
PhD Supervision
1. TCHUENGA SEUTCHUENG Thierry Gaïtan (Ongoing) Performance des Innovations pour une Durabilité des Systemes Agro-Sylvo-Pastoraux dans la Region du Nord Cameroun. PhD Student University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon Matricule : 08H765
2. KENFACK ESSOUGONG Urcil Papito (Ongoing) Decision support tools for sustainable cocoa intensification through Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) PhD Student Wageningen University
3. KALDJOB MBEH CHRISTIAN BERNARD (Ongoing) Effets des pesticides sur le bien-être des ménages agricoles et la santé des consommateurs au Cameroun. University of Yaounde II Cameroon
Masters (more than 30 students)
1. SAIBA Yonga Mikael (2022) Potentiel d’introduction des légumineuses [soja, niébé, pois d’Angole (Cajanus cajan)] dans la cuisine Nord-Camerounaise. Université de Ngaoundere Ecole Nationale Superieure des Sciences Agro-Industrielles. Filière : IAA Matricule : 19I041EN
2. GALINE Kakiang Ruth (2022) Analysis of end-use technologies process applied to reduce wood-energy consumption in Garoua, North Cameroon. National Advance School of Mine and Petroleum Industries in the University of Maroua
3. DEFFE Alexandre (2021) Analyse des réseau des acteurs du système d’innovation agro-sylvo-pastorale au nord Cameroun. Ingénieur de conception FASA, université de Dschang
4. NSANGOU Njankouo Abdoulay (2020) Mapping du systeme de vente d’intrants pour la cacaoculture dans les localites de Ntui et Makenene, Region du Centre au Cameroun. « Vulgarisation Agricole, Innovation et Développement » Matricule : CM-UDS-12ASA0368
5. NGOULOURE Mfopa Aboubakar (2020) Impacts environnementaux et risques sanitaires de l’exploitation artisanale de l’or: cas du site aurifere de pkawara dans l’arrondissement de Betare-Oya CRESA Etude d’Impact Environnemental (EIE) Matricule : CM-UDs-19ASA0909
Institution |
Country |
Year of attendance |
Certificate obtained |
Field of study |
Rhodes University |
South Africa |
2013 – 2015 |
PhD |
Environmental Science |
Belgium |
2007-2008 |
Masters |
Governance and Development in Sub-Sahara Africa |
University of Yaoundé II |
Cameroon |
2001-2002 |
Post graduate diploma |
Economic Policy Management (Gestion des Politiques Economique)
University of Dschang |
Cameroon |
1993-1998 |
‘Diplôme d’ingénieur agronome’ |
Economics and Rural Sociology |
GHS Mbengwi |
Cameroon |
1990 – 1992 |
GCE A/L certificate |
Passed in 3 subjects Maths, Chemistry and Biology |
GHS Mbengwi /GSS Njikwa |
Cameroon |
1985-1990 |
GCE O/L certificate |
Passed in nine subjects |
GBS Mbengwi |
Cameroon |
1979 – 1985 |
First School leaving certificate |
Government Common Entrance and First School leaving certificate |
Ongoing/Executed projects
1. IRAD Focal Person 2023 – 2027 “Driving agroecological transitions in the humid tropics of Central and Eastern Africa through traNsdisciplinary Agroecology Living LabS” (CANALLS) : Grant Agreement Number: 101083653
2. IRAD Focal Person 2022 – 2025 - “Améliorer la résilience aux changements climatiques des populations du Nord Cameroun”. Gestion directe (convention de subvention avec un consortium incluant ICRAF, IRAD, Cirad, CIFOR, CAFER et une ou deux ONGs spécialisées) The DeSIRA Initiative, funded by the European Commission.
3. IRAD Focal Person 2020 - 2024 - Renforcer les Systèmes d’Innovation agricole au Nord Cameroun (ReSI-NoC). Gestion directe (convention de subvention avec un consortium incluant ICRAF, IRAD, Cirad, CIFOR et une ou deux ONGs spécialisées) The DeSIRA Initiative, funded by the European Commission.
4. IRAD Socio-economist 2018 – 2022 (Under extension) - Sustainable intensification of cocoa production through the development and dissemination of Integrated Soil Fertility Management options (COCOASOILS). CocoaSoils is a consortium between private industry partners, government organizations, and research institutes, who are working together on a five-year program that addresses poor productivity in smallholder African cocoa plantations by focusing on Integrated Soil Fertility Management for avoided deforestation in Ghana, Nigeria, Cote d’Ivoire and Cameroon.
5. 2020 Onwards - Researcher Utilisation des extraits de plantes médicinales traditionnelles pour le contrôle des parasites intestinaux des petits ruminants et des maladies/ravageurs des plantes et produits agricoles. Chapitre 973 : Renforcement de la recherche et de l’innovation action 03 – activité 01. MINRESI/IRAD
6. 2019 Onwards – Cameroon National Coordinator for the baseline survey and Team member for satellite trails implementation. Cocoasoils project IITA/WU/IDH/IRAD in Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire. IRAD/IITA
7. 2019- Project Coordinator for World Bank funded GAFSP-supported project in Cameroon evaluating the performance of the PIDMA project in Cameroon. Commissioned by the America Institute of Research (AIR) – USA.
8. 2019 – Baseline survey coordinator - The Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (PD-CVA) – Conduct interviews with 300 households and register data.
9. 2018 Onwards – IRAD/JICA COMECA Project Lead Activity 3.1 on Multistakeholder negotiation and collaboration in the management and exploitation of hunting and NTFP resources around the Boumba-Mbek National Park in Cameroon.
10. 2016 – 2018 – Team member Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI) program, Cameroon IFPRI/IRAD
11. 2017 - 2018 – Project Leader IRAD/PARI/FARA Project on the Implementation of Bottom-Up/Farmer Innovation Contest in Cameroon
12. 2017 - 2018 - Project Leader IRAD/PARI/FARA Project on Examining the suitability of various potatoes (Solanum tuberusum) varieties grown in Cameroon to different processing techniques and sales options
13. 2017 - 2018 - Project Leader IRAD/PARI/FARA Project on University linkage study: Success stories of engagement of policy makers in agricultural innovation processes in Cameroon
14. 2016 -2017 Team member C2D/Programme D’appui A La Recherche Agronomique Projet 8 : Agroforesterie
15. 2016 - Consultant – Seed System and Security Assessment Baseline Survey in the Far North Region of Cameroon. CRS Cameroon.
16. 2013 – 2017 Team member Amélioration des politiques de gestion durable des ressources naturelles axées sur les Produits Forestiers Non Ligneux en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre abbreviated Produits forestiers Non Ligneux au profit des petits producteurs "projet 4P" CORAF/IRAD
17. 2016 - 2017 - Team member Etude en vue de l’analyse de la performance des innovations technologiques agricoles : La définition d’une méthode d’analyse des performances agronomique, socio- économique des clones-élites d’hévéa chez les petits exploitants de la région du Sud-Ouest et L’analyse de ces performances. BIP 2016 project.
18. 2014 - 2015 – Researcher Développement d’une stratégie de la valorisation et de marketing des semences améliorées de palmier à huile et des services associés de l’IRAD-Dibamba. BIP 2014.
19. 2014 - Consultant – Situational Analysis - Generic and human development characteristics of households, infrastructure, institutional and policy context in the Cameroon action site (Micro and macro-economics perspectives). Commissioned by the humid tropics program.
20. 2014 - 2018 Consultant (Team member) – “In search of common ground” for farmer-grazer conflicts in the North West region of Cameroon: Baseline mid-term and final evaluation project. Commissioned by Village Aid – UK and Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association (MBOSCUDA).
21. 2013 - 2014 - Consultant – Fruit tree diversity on-farm and nutrition in the forest zone of Cameroon. ICRAF fruiting Africa project.
22. 2014 - Consultant – Capitalisation des expériences et des bonnes pratiques de mise en œuvre du plan de convergence dans le bassin du Congo - Cas du Cameroun (GIZ-COMIFAC project).
23. 2013-2014 Consultant – Baseline survey for setting up smallholders’ sustainable vegetable seed supply and distribution system in humid tropics areas of Cameroon. Integrated Agricultural Systems for the Humidtropics, a CGIAR Research Project.
24. 2012 - 2013 Consultant – Forestry rules and regulation in the timber sector in Cameroon - TRAFFIC training of trainers modules development (TFL-PD 003/09/ Rev.2 (M) / INT 210.00).
25. 2011 -2012 Consultant – Diagnostic and marketing survey for two agro industries ‘Société de fabrication des aliments de bétails (SIFAB)’ and ‘Société industrielles de transformation des oléagineuse (SITRON) in Garoua, Cameroon. UNIDO pilot support program for upgrading, normalization and quality in Cameroon. PPAMNQ project – UNIDO, Cameroon.
27. 2007-2009 Consultant – Project Manager - Non-Timber Forest Products in Cameroon, Congo, Gabon and Central African Republic. CFC /ITTO/68FT PPD19/01 REV 1 (I)) - IUCN PACO
28. 2007-2010 Consultant – Project Manager - Livelihood and landscape strategy project – IUCN PACO
29. 2005 - 2007- International consultant- Project GCP/RAF/398/GER Enhancing Food Security through Non-wood Forest Products in Central Africa - FAO.
30. 2003 – 2005 Team Leader - Reviewing the state of coffee-based agroforestry farming systems in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. IRAD/BAD project.
31. 2001 – 2004 Team member World level comparison of Non Timber Forest Products in African, Asia and Latin America. CIFOR.
32. 2000 – 2002 – Trainer/Consultant - Training of women on the use of selected beans species in the humid forest benchmark of Cameroon, IITA, Cameroon.
33. 2004 - Team Member on Cocoa marketing survey across the cocoa producing areas of Cameroon STCP
Researcher profile |
2002-2012 - Research Assistant 2012-2017 - Research Officer 2017 Onwards: Senior Research Officer (Maître de Recherche) |
Major Research outputs for 20 years |
02 ongoing projects, 10 large scale surveys, training of enumerators/trainers, and farmers, 32 executed projects, 30 published papers, I book, 2 book chapters and more than 60 project completion, consultancy and workshop reports. |
Other organizations in which I have worked |
CRS, AIR – USA, ICRAF, Village Aid – UK, TRAFFIC, UNIDO, AVRDC, IUCN - regional, COMIFAC, The Worldbank, MBOSCUDA, CIFOR, FAO Cameroon and Libreville, IITA, STCP, HELPAGE - Rwanda, IFCAE - USA |
Administrative profileChief of service (2011 – 2020)Sub-Director (2016-2020) |
Chief of Service 2011 – 2013: Head of the Socio-economic research program of IRAD |
Chief of service 2013 – 2020: Head of the Intensification and Diversification Research Program.- Supervised more than 30 researchers and technicians on different projects, - Main roles included training and mentoring, fund raising, project implementation, staff management, infrastructure and budget management, supervision of young researchers and students, report and publication writing and other administrative roles. |
Sub-Director 2016 – 2020: Head of the Communication and Documentation Unit of IRAD. Working with very limited resources, I did the following: - Managed 18 staff, a Cyber hall with atleast 20 visitors a day, - Managed the head office internet supply infrastructure, - Managed the library and other IRAD documentation, - Managed the IRAD telephone network, - Instituted an institutional mailing list with about 700 members, - Filtered and shared about 10 emails a week to all staff and other emails to specific groups, - Established a monthly newsletter with version 0 in July 2016 and now we have 47 editions, - Conceived, printed and distributed the 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 institutional calendar and best wishes card, and the 2017 labour day fabric, - Restored and face-lifted the IRAD website, - Negotiated and established the irad.cm webpage as per the Cameroon government recommendation, - Organized a series of events and trainings, - Covered most institutional events. |
University Lecturer |
- I give lectures in CRESA, Dschang University. |
Expertise and Research disciplines |
Socio-Economist/Multidisciplinary Social Scientist with focus on: 1) Agriculture/Natural Resource - Policy Nexus; 2) Food Security and Nutrition Science; 3) Marketing and value chain analysis; 4) Rural development, Poverty, Livelihoods and Wellbeing Analysis; 5) Governance, Institutions, Coordination, Collaboration and Negotiation processes. |