Company: Centre National de Recherche Agronomique
Position: Chercheur
Chercheur au programme Biotechnologie du CNRA depuis 18 Mai 2020. Je suis responsable de l'unité de culture in vitro
* Oumar SILUE, Oi Kouadio Samuel KOUADIO, Kouame Honore KOFFI, Emmanuel ZRAN, Mah TOURE, Kan Modeste KOUASSI (2024). Efficient an rapid micropropagation of MD2 and H4 pineapple varieties. Aust J Crop Sci. 18(09) : 591- 597.
* Koné Daouda, Thiémélé Deless Edmond Fulgence*, Silué Oumar, Yao Saraka Didier Martial, N’Nan Alla Oulo. (2023). Use of Im medium to overcome recalcitrance to somatic embryogenesis of improved cocoa genotypes (Theobrama cacaoL.). International Journal of Biosciences. Vol. 23, No. 4, p. 38-45.
*KOUADIO Oi Kouadio Samuel, SILUE Oumar, KONE Dramane, YAPO Sopie Edwige Salomé, N’GUESSAN Affoué Rachelle, KOUAKOU Tanoh Hilaire (2023). Effect of culture medium composition on somatic embryos induction and maturation of pineapple [Ananas comosus (L.) var. (Smooth Cayenne)]. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences. 11(1) : 140 – 149 *Dramane KONE, Oi Kouadio Samuel KOUADIO, Oumar SILUE, Affoué Rachelle N’GUESSAN, Navigué YEO and Tanoh Hilaire KOUAKOU (2022). Optimization of bud disinfection technique and influence of growth regulators on micropropagation in ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.). International Journal. of Biological and Chemical. Sciences. 16(6): 2892-2904. |
Silué Oumar, Claude Ghislaine Zaka Kouadjo, Kouassi Kan Modeste, Pokou Désiré, Koffi Kouablan Edmond (2022). How to produce mosaic virus-free cassava plants in vitro successfully.www.cnra.ci.
Silué Oumar, Djaha Konan Engueran, Okoma Koffi Mathurin, Doubi Bi Tra Serges, Konan Jean Louis Konan (2022). How to extract coconut embryos successfully. www.cnra.ci.
Okoma Koffi Mathurin, Dian Kouadio, Silué Oumar, Yao Konan Jean Parfait, Koffi Kouablan Edmond. (2022). How to produce planting material by orthotropic cuttings in rubber trees successfully. www.cnra.ci.
*Kouadio O.K.S., Doumbouya M., Silué O., N’guessan K.P.K & Kouakou T.H. (2021). Stimulation of Polyphenol Production by Three Biocontrols (Vacciplant ®, Callel ® and Calliete ® ) in Plantain (Musa spp. Group AAB [Musaceae]).Journal of Agricultural Science; Vol. 13, No. 9. |
DJAHA Konan Engueran, DOUBI Bi Tra Serges, SILUE Oumar, N’ZUE Boni, HALA N’klo. (2020). How to successfully acclimate cassava seedlings. www.cnra.ci
* Silué O., Kouassi K M., Kouadio K.S., Koffi K E. & Aké S. (2018). Improved in vitro shoot mutiplication and rooting of two banana varieties (FHIA-21 and PITA-3). European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience, 6 (1) : 24-29.
* Kouadio K.S, Yapo E.S.S., Silué O., Adou B.Y.C & Kouakou T.H. (2018). Influence of Carbohydrates on Callus Proliferation During Somatic Embryogenesis in Pineapple [Ananas Comosus (L.) Merr. (Bromeliaceae) Var. Cayenne Smooth Cultivar CI 16]. European Scientific Journal, 14 (15) : 287-297. * Kouassi K.M, Koffi K.E, Silué O., Tahi G.M., Touré M. & Konan K.P.E (2018). Comparison of systems combining auxins with thidiazuron or kinetin supplemented with polyvinylpirrolidone during embryogenic callus induction in three Theobroma cacao L. genotypes.International. Journal of. Biological and. Chemical. Sciences, 12 (2) : 804-811. * Silué O., Kouassi K.M., Koffi K.E., Kouakou K.E.P. & Aké S. (2017). Effect of Adenine sulphate, Casein hydrolysate and Spermidine on in vitro shoot multiplication of two banana varieties (FHIA-21 and PITA-3). African Journal of Biotechnology, 16 (46) : 2152-2159. * Silué O, Kouassi K.M., Kouadio D. & Koffi K.E. (2017). Data sheet on the acclimatisation of plantain vitroplants, CNRA * Kouadio O.K.S., Yapo E.S., Kouassi K.M., Silue O., Koffi E. & Kouakou T.H. (2017). Improved callogenesis and somatic embryogenesis using amino acids and plant growth regulators combination in pineapple [Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. (Bromeliaceae)]. European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience. 5 (5) : 6-16. |
* Koné M., Silué O., Kouassi K.M., Koné D. & Aké S. (2012). Influence of culture medium and explant type on voandzou callus induction [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. (Fabaceae)]. Rev.CAMES-Série A, 13 (2) :53-56.
12 – 24 November 2023 : trainer on the implementation of the youth employability strategy in the ECOWAS agricultural and agri-food sector ( Ivory Coast National Center of Plantain Banana Specialization) Location : CNRA (Côte d’Ivoire) *11 October – 15 November 2023 : Distance learning course on DL-305 B Examination of Distinction Homogeneity stability Location : Geneva SWITZERLAND *09 -13 October 2023 : scientific writing training workshop Location : Abidjan ( Côte d’Ivoire) *08 March - 12 April 2023 : Distance learning course on DL-205 Introduction to the UPOV system of plant variety protection under the UPOV Convention Location : Geneva SWITZERLAND *20 - 21 March 2023: Training on PARTICIPATIVE WEB AND INTRANET_CNRA MODULES Location: CNRA General Directorate *16 - 20 May 2022: Workshop on coconut tissue culture Location: ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod, India *3 - 5 February 2021: Online participation in the digital symposium "Plant Biodiversity and Sustainable Development Location : 44 boulevard de Dunkerque CS 9000913572 Marseille CEDEX 02. France *27 - 31 March 2017 : National workshop on the application of in vitro techniques to varietal improvement by mutagenesis Location : CNRA, Adiopodoumé, Km17, Route de Dabou Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. *15 - 19 February 2016: Training workshop on the use of basic tools in molecular biology. Location : CNRA, Adiopodoumé, Km17, Route de Dabou Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. *13 - 25 April 2015: Coraf/ Wecard training in agricultural biotechnology "Capacity building of West African researchers and technicians on in vitro and in vivo mass production methods of plantain plant material and pathogen diagnosis". Location : CNRA, Adiopodoumé, Km17, Route de Dabou Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. |
2018- 2019 : PhD in Biotechnology - Biosecurity - Bioresources Speciality : Agrophysiology and Phytopathology 2008 : Postgraduate degree (DEA) in Plant Physiology, with the option of Plant Agrophysiology (Cocody University, Abidjan) 2007 : Advanced Studies in Plant Physiology, option Agrophysiology (Cocody University, Abidjan) 2006 : Master's degree in Plant Physiology, option Plant Agrophysiology (Cocody University, Abidjan) |
* From 2022 to present : Intervention on RAF 5083 Enhancing Crop Productivity through Climate Smart Crop Varieties with Improved Resource Use Efficiency (AFRA) * From 2021 to present : Head of the In Vitro Culture Unit |
* Since May 2020: Researcher at the Centre National de Recherche Agronomique, on the Biotechnology programme