Company: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique (CNRST)
Position: Researcherw
Yameogo P. Louis has cumulative experience of more than 10 years in agronomy research. His research addresses the improvement of rice-based cropping systems, soil fertility management, and plant nutrition, with a great interest in precision agriculture. He is also an expert in agricultural experimentation, biometrics, and data analysis. He aquired a diversified experiences in defining, conducting and supervising research activities in relation to rice agronomy.
Yameogo P. Louis started his Career in 2009 as agronomic engineer in the rice research program of the Institute of the Environnement and Agricultural Research (INERA), one the five intitutes of the National Center of Research and Technology (CNRST) in Burkina Faso. His work has enabled the dissemination, and validation of several technologies to improve rice based cropping system in Burkina Faso, such as Urea Deep Placement (UDP), the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), the Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD). Acting as the assistant of the focal point of AfricaRice agronomy taskforce in Burkina Faso (from 2013 to 2015), his work served as a basis for the calibration and validation of the model of the nutrient manager (RiceAdvice) for Burkina Faso. He also conducted the yield gap survey in 2013, which conducted to the implementation of a basket of good agricultural practices in upland and lowland rice.
In addition to national research, Yameogo P. Louis joined the Center for Development Research (ZEF in German) at the University of Bonn (Germany) as a junior researcher, from 2013 to 2017. His studies leading to a Ph.D. focused on soil nitrogen dynamics and his relationship with rice production in West Africa.
In July 2022, Yameogo P. Louis was promoted (Maître de Recherche) to the African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education and Research (CAMES) as a researcher in agronomy, specializing in soil science.
Article 1. Kalifa COULIBALY, Mamadou TRAORE, Alain P.K. GOMGNIMBOU, Louis P. YAMEOGO, Bernard BACYE et Hassan B. NACRO, 2023. Effets de différents modes de gestion de la fertilité du sol sur les performances du niébé (Vigna unguiculata) et de l’Ambérique (Vigna radiata) à l’Ouest du Burkina Faso. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 17 (1) 267-280.
Article 2. Hillary Marie Michelle Compaore, Élie Serge Gaëtan Sauret, Ouindinboudé Jacques Kissou, Mahougbé August Abdon Kinglo, Pascal Bazongo, Poulouma Louis Yameogo, Mamadou Koita, Idriss Serme, 2022. Use of Multi-Method Approach for a Gravity Irrigation Network Diagnosis: Case of Karfiguela Paddy Field in Burkina Faso. Agricultural Sciences, 2022, 13, 1396-1420
Article 3. August M. Abdon KINGLO, Elie Serge Gaetan SAURET, Mahamadou KOITA, Marie Michelle Hillary COMPAORE, Jacques KISSOU, Louis Poulouma YAMEOGO, Idriss SERME, 2022. Using VLF-EM, electrical sounding and pumping test in large-diameter wells to characterize shallow groundwater – a case study of the Karfiguela paddy field in Burkina Faso, Groundwater for Sustainable Development 20 (2023) 100867
Article 4. OUEDRAOGO Harouna, DIALLO Yacouba, HIEN Edmond, YAMEOGO Poulouma Louis, Udo NEHREN, 2022. Socio-economic indigenous drivers of soils and water conservation practices use to cope with climate change in the region of plateau in Burkina Faso. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 16(6): 2841-2856
Article 5. SAURET Élie Serge Gaëtan, COMPAORE Hillary Marie Michelle, KISSOU Ouindinboudé Jacques, YAMEOGO Poulouma Louis, and SERME Idriss, 2022. Hydrogeochemistry of Shallow Groundwater and Suitability to Irrigation: The Case of the Karfiguéla Paddy Field in Burkina Faso, Water 2022, 14, 2574.
Article 6. Yameogo Poulouma Louis, Mathias Becker, Zacharie Segda, 2021. Seasonal soil nitrogen dynamics affect yields of lowland rice in the savanna zone of West Africa. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 184 (1) : 98 - 111
Article 7. Poulouma Louis Yameogo, Adama Traore, Bandaogo Alimata Arzouma, 2021. Influence des modes de gestion de l’eau et de la fumure minérale sur quelques paramètres chimiques du sol et le rendement du riz à la Vallée du Kou au Burkina Faso. Journal of Applied Biosciences 165 : 17099 - 17110.
Article 8. Adama Traore, Alimata Bandaogo, P. Louis Yameogo, K. Rodrigue Anadi, Karim Traore, Pascal Bazongo, and Ouola Traore, 2021. Effets du dimensionnement des trous de zaï sur le rendement du maïs en zone Sud-soudanienne du Burkina Faso. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 33 : 435-442
Article 9. Adama Traoré, Louis P. Yameogo, Olivier Djiendiere, Karim Traoré, Pascal Bazongo, Ouola Traore, 2021. Effets comparés du tourteau de neem [Azadirachta indica (A. Juss)] et du compost sur le rendement du sorgho [Sorghum bicolor (L. Moench)] en zone Sud-soudanienne du Burkina Faso. Journal of Applied Biosciences 163 : 16834 - 16845
Article 10. Yameogo Poulouma Louis, Mathias Becker, Zacharie Segda, 2020. Seasonal soil nitrogen dynamics affect yields of lowland rice in the savanna zone of West Africa. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, (000) 1-14
Article 11. Adama Traore, Louis Poulouma Yameogo, Isdine Aziz Nabon Da, Karim Traore, Pascal Bazongo et Ouola Traore, 2020. Effet de la formule unique d’engrais 23-10-05 +3,6S+2,6Mg+0,3Zn sur le rendement du maïs Barka dans la zone Sud-soudanienne du Burkina Faso. Afrique Science 16 (1) : 260 - 270
Article 12. Adama Traoré, P. Louis Yameogo, Da Isdine Aziz Nambon, Karim Traoré, Pascal Bazongpo et Ouola Traoré, 2019. Utilisation du tourteau de neem (Azadirachta indica) et de la micro-dose d’engrais minéraux pour la production du maïs en zone Sud-soudanienne du Burkina Faso. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 13 (6) : 2618-2626
Article 13. Traoré Adama, Traoré Karim, Yaméogo P. Louis, Traoré Ouola, Hebié A. Kevin and Pooda Inoc. 2018. Use of neem (Azadirachta indica) seed cake to improve lowland rice production, International Journal of Development Research, 8 (09), 22842-22845.
Article 14. Adama Traoré, P. Louis Yameogo, Da Isdine Aziz Nambon, Karim Traoré, Pascal Bazongpo et Ouola Traoré, 2019. Utilisation du tourteau de neem (Azadirachta indica) et de la micro-dose d’engrais minéraux pour la production du maïs en zone Sud-soudanienne du Burkina Faso. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 13(6): 2618-2626
Article 15. Traoré Adama, Traoré Karim, Yaméogo P. Louis, Traoré Ouola, Hebié A. Kevin and Pooda Inoc. 2018. Use of neem (Azadirachta indica) seed cake to improve lowland rice production, International Journal of Development Research, 8 (09), 22842-22845.
Article 16. Yameogo P. L., Becker M., Segda Z., 2017. Factors modulating seasonal soil nitrogen dynamics in the West African savanna zone. International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research, 3 (6): 4413-4426. ISSN: 2455-6939
Article 17. Tanaka A., Johnson J-M., Senthilkumar K., Akakpo C., Segda Z., Yameogo Louis P.L., Bassoro I. et al., 2017. On-farm rice yield and its association with biophysical factors in sub-Saharan Africa. European Journal of Agronomy, 85: 1-11
Article 18. Segda Z., Yameogo P. L., Sie M., Bado B.V., Mando A., 2014. Nitrogen use efficiency by NERICA varieties in Burkina Faso. African Journal of Agricultural research 9 (15): 1172-1179. ISSN: 1991-637X
Article 19. Segda Z., Yameogo P. L., Bonzi M., Sedogo M. P., 2014. Le carbone et l’azote dans les différentes fractions granulométriques d’un sol brun eutrophie tropical sous irrigation de Bagré, Burkina Faso. Journal of Applied Biosciences 78: 6743-6752. ISSN 1997-5902
Article 20. Segda Z., Yameogo P. L., Mando A., Saito K., Wopereis C. S. M., Sedogo M. P., 2014. Le phosphore limite-t-il la production intensive du riz dans la plaine de Bagré au Burkina Faso ? International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 8 (6): 2866-2878. ISSN 1997-342X (en ligne), ISSN 1991-8631 (papier)
Article 21. Segda Z., Yameogo P. L., Gnankambary Z., Sedogo M.P., 2013. Effets induits du type de fumure sur les paramètres chimiques du sol et sur le rendement paddy dans la plaine rizicole de Bagré au Burkina Faso. Journal de la Société Ouest-Africaine de Chimie, 036 : 35-46. ISSN: 0796-6687
Article 22. Yameogo P. L., Segda Z., Dakouo D., Sedogo M.P., 2013. Placement profond de l’urée et amélioration de l’efficacité d’utilisation de l’azote en riziculture irriguée dans le périmètre rizicole de Karfiguela au Burkina Faso. Journal of Applied Biosciences, 70: 5523-5530. ISSN 1997-5902
Article 23. Yameogo P.L, Traore M., Segda Z., Mando A., Dakouo D., Sedogo M.P., 2012. Amélioration des rendements et du revenu des producteurs rizicole par le placement profond de l’urée super granulée au Burkina, Sciences et Technique/Science Naturelle et Agronomie, 32 (1-2): 85-95. ISSN 1011-6028
Poulouma Louis YAMEOGO is the Managing Director of the National Bureau of Soil (BUNASOLS) (from september 2023 to date), a public institute under the technical guardianship of the Ministry in charge of Agriculture of Burkina Faso.
2013 – 2017 PhD in Agricultural sciences, Ecology and Natural Resources Management, University of Bonn, Germany
2010 – 2012 Master in Integrated Natural Resources Management, Nazi BONI University (ex Polytechnic university of Bobo-Dioulasso), Burkina Faso
2006 – 2009 Agronomy engineer, Joseph KI ZERBO University (ex University of Ouagadougou), Burkina Faso
2003 – 2006 Degree in Biology/Chemistry, Joseph KI ZERBO University (ex University of Ouagadougou), Burkina Faso
2003 Baccalaureate in science (D), Joseph KI ZERBO University (ex University of Ouagadougou), Burkina Faso
July 2022 to date Senior Researcher, Maître de Recherche, CAMES, CNRST / INERA / Rice Research Program, Burkina Faso
2018 to 2022 Senior Researcher, Chargé de Recherche (CAMES), CNRST/ INERA / Rice Research Program, Burkina Faso
2017 to 2018 Junior Researcher, Attaché de Recherche, CNRST / INERA / Rice Research Program, Burkina Faso
2015 to 2017 Research Engineer, CNRST / INERA / Rice Research Program, Burkina Faso
2009 – 2015 Agronomist, CNRST/ INERA / Rice Research Program, Burkina Faso