Philip Atta Afriyie

Company: Agritop limited

Position: Mr

Expert Summary

Experienced Agronomist with excellent practical knowledge of crop protection, fertigation/fertilizer application, vegetable crop production, variety trials and analysis, Plant nursery, budget preparation and strong research background


University for Development Studies


Agriculture Technology
Bachelors degree


Agritop limited
Agronomist/ Greenhouse expert


Plant nursery, Crop protection (Pest and Disease management), pesticide application and Pesticide application plan and Fertilizer application and fertilizer application plan


Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Administrative Assistant


Explained products to farmers, entered data accurately onto computerized data base and excel spreadsheets, located and corrected data entry errors, ensured documents meet required quality standard, typed and edited reports


AGRA Youth in Agriculture Project Internship Program
Field Agronomist


Evaluated seed performance, evaluated fertilizer effects on crops, Crop protection, provided written agronomy research summaries that can be used to support the project