Company: Department of Agricultural and Env Engineering, Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria
Position: Professor
OLALUSI, Ayoola Patrick is a Professor of Bioresourses and Food Engineeering in the School of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Federal University of Technology Akure. He obtained a Ph.D from thesame University (2011). He won World Bank Research Grant and former Dean, CBAS and Director of Research (CRIC) at Mountain Top University (2019 – 2021). His current research is on Pulse Magnetic Treatment of Foods, Cold Storage, Food drying and Renewable Energy. He has supervised over eighty (80) undergraduate , twenty two (22) Masters students and Nine (9) Ph.Ds. He is currently supervising 4 Ph.Ds. He was appointed a full Professor in 2018. Prof Olalusi has published over 80 quality papers in reputable journals and conference proceedings across the globe.
1. Adewumi B. A. And Olalusi, A. P. (1999). Performance evaluation of manually operated locust beaen dehuller. Journal of Agricultural Technology. (2), 23-30.
2. Ogunlowo, A. S. And Olalusi, A. P. (2001). Simulation of cocoa bean drying. International Journal of Engineering and Engineering Technology (FUTAJEET), 2(1), 6-10.
3. Bolaji, B. O., Olokode, O. S. and and Olalusi, A. P. (2008). Development of a wind ventilated box-type absorber solar air collector. UNAAB-ASSET Journal, Series B, 6(1), 18-30.
4. Bolaji, B. O. and Olalusi, A. P. (2008). Performance evaluation of mixed-mode solar dryer. Assumption University (AU) Journal of Technology, (4): 225-231.
5. Bolaji, B. O. and Olalusi, A. P. (2009). Development of an improved coal stove for cooking in developing countries. Assumption University (AU) Journal of Technology, 12(3):182-187.
6. Bolaji, O.T, Awonorin, S.O. Olalusi, A. P. and Adepoju, P.A. (2011). Evaluation of changes in pasting properties of ogi during storage. Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agriculture and Food Chemistry (EJEAFChe), 10(1), 1865-1872. (Falcuta de Ciencias, Universida de Vigo, Spain).
7. Bolaji, O.T., Awonorin, S.O., Olalusi, A.P., Idowu, M.A., Henshaw, F.O. and Adepoju, P.A. (2011). Effect of Storage Temperature on Some Ogi Properties. Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 3(2): 89-94.
8. Olalusi, A. P. and Bolaji, O.T (2011). Some engineering properties of an indigenous grown Jatropha seeds (“Lapalapa”). Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agriculture and Food Chemistry (EJEAFChe), 9(11), 1746-1759. (Falcuta de Ciencias, Universida de Vigo, Spain)
9. Olalusi, A. P., Bolaji, O.T. and Ogun, M. K. (2011). Moisture level effect on some engineering properties of bush mango nut (Irvingia gabonensis). Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agriculture and Food Chemistry (EJEAFChe), 10(8), 2759-2770. (Falcuta de Ciencias, Universida de Vigo, Spain)
10. Oyerinde, A. S.. and Olalusi, A. P. (2011). Thermal properties of grounded cassava mash (gari) during different stages of roasting. Journal of Industrial Research and Technology (JIRT). 3(1): 5 - 9.
11. Olalusi, A. P. and Bolaji, O.T (2011). Design and development of a bush mango sheller. Journal of Industrial Research and Technology (JIRT). 3(1):11 – 19. (Nigeria).
12. Olalusi, A. P., Ogunlowo, A. S. and Bolaji, B.O.(2012). Development and performance evaluation of a mobile solar dryer for cassava chips. Energy & Environment Journal. 23(8): 1261 – 1272.
13. Oyerinde, A. S.. and Olalusi, A. P. (2013). Effect of moisture content on selected physical and mechanical properties of two varieties of tigernut (Cyperus spp). Journal of Food Research, Vol. 2(6),24 -32.
14. Adetola, O. A., Olajide, J.O. and Olalusi, A. P. (2014). Effect of processing conditions on yield of screw press expressed palm oil. Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS), 5(4): 243-247.
15. Adetola, O. A., Olajide, J.O. and Olalusi, A. P. (2014). Development of a screw press for palm oil extraction. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5(7):1416 – 1422.
16. Olalusi, A. (2014). Hot air drying and quality of red and white varieties of onion (Allium cepa).Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment, 3, 13-19. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jacen.2014.34B003
17. Olalusi, A. P., Obot, O. M. and Ogunlowo, A. S. (2014). Modelling the Dehydration Characteristics of (Taro) Colocasia Esculenta Slices in a Convective Cabinet Dryer.FUTAJEET, 8(1), 13 - 19.
18. Olalusi, A. P. (2014). Comparison of selected physical and mechanical properties of two species of cocoyam. FUTAJEET, 8(2), 91 - 95.
19. Bolaji, O. T., Olalusi, A. P. and Adesina, B. S. (2015). Mathematical modeling of drying pattern of ogi produced from two types of maize grain. Journal of Food Research, 4(1), 174 -185.
20. Olalusi, A. P. and Odiase, G.E (2015). Modeling drying characteristics of moringa (moringa oleifera) leaves under a mechanical convective cabinet dryer. Annals. Food Science and Technology.16 (1), 27 – 36.
21. Bolaji, O. T., Adepoju, P. A. and Olalusi, A. P. (2015).Economic implication of industrialization of a popular weaning food “ogi” production in Nigeria: A review. African Journal of Food Science. 9(10), 495-503. DOI: 10.5897/AJFS2014.1196
22. Atere, O. A., Olukunle, O.J. and Olalusi, A. P. (2015). Response Surface Methodology for Optimizing the Parameters of a Roasting Machine Using Maize (Zea mays L.). International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 1(2), 52 - 61.
23. Atere, O. A., Olalusi, A. P. and Olukunle, O.J. (2016). Physical properties of some maize varieties. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology, 3(2); 3874 - 3880.
24. Atere, O. A., Olukunle, O.J., Olalusi, A. P. and Ademosun, O. C. (2016). Response Surface Methodology for Optimizing the Parameters of a Roasting Machine Using Maize (Zea mays L.). Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology, 3(3); 4161 - 4165.
25. Olalusi, A. P., Oni, I. O. and Ajewole, P.O.(2017). Effect of Some Processing Parameters on Quality of Palm Oil. International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, 4(8), 147 – 153.
26. Oni, I. O., Olalusi, A. P. and Ajewole, P. O (2017). Mathematical Modelling of Process Parameters and the Yield of Palm Oil. International Journal of Trend in Research and Development,4(5), 458 – 461.
27. Olabinjo, O. O., Ogunlowo, A. S., Ajayi, O. O. and Olalusi, A. P. (2017). Analysis of Physical and Chemical Composition of Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis) Peels. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 2 (4), 2201 – 2206.
28. Olabinjo, O. O., Olajide J. O, and Olalusi, A. P. (2017). Mathematical Modelling of Sun and Solar Drying Kinetics of Fermented Cocoa Beans. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 2 (5), 2419 - 2426.
29. Oni, I. O., Olalusi, A. P., and Ajewole, P.O.(2017). Mathematical Modelling of Process Parameters and the Yield of Palm Oil. International Journal of trend in research and development, 4(5), 458 – 461.
30. Olalusi, A. P., Abolarin, S. O., Adesigbin, A. J. and Adedeji, M.A, (2018). Development biodiesel reactor. Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 5(1), 63- 69.
31. Olalusi, A. P., Nwaeche, C. E. and Adesina, A. (2018). Development of a Preconditioning System for FUTA Floating Fish Feed Extruder. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 3(2): 1-10.
32. Owa, T. W., Olalusi, A. P. Isa, J. and Ogundana, O. S. (2019). Effect of machine and process parameters on the performance of a single screw floating fish feed extruder. International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 8(1), 111 -118.
33. Adegbite S. A., Adebayo A., Olukunle O. J., Olalusi A. P., Asiru W.B. and Awoyale, W. (2019). Mass and energy balance analysis of pneumatic flash dryers for Cassava and development of optimization models to increase competitiveness in Nigeria. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 32(3): 1-11.
34. Aduewa T. O. Oyerinde A. S. and Olalusi A. P. (2019). Development of an Automated Solar Powered Hot-air Supplemented Dryer. Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research 11(3): 1-14, Article no.AJAAR.52333 ISSN: 2456-8864
35. Koyenikan O. O., Olukunle O. J. and Olalusi A. P. (2019). Design Modification of an Indigenous Extruder. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 4(2): 1-11.
36. Isa, J. and Olalusi, A. P. (2019). Optimization of Foam-Mat Drying Process of Watermelon Pulp Using Response Surface Methodology. Journal of Energy Research and Reviews. 3(1): 1-11,
37. Olalusi, A. P. and Erinle, O. C. (2019). Influence of drying temperature and pretreatment on the drying characteristics and quality of dried cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) apple slices. Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology. 11 (1), 97-103.
38. Olalusi, A. P. Omosebi, M. O. and Olasore, A. J. (2019). Mathematical modelling of Anonna muricata l. (soursop) leaves drying under different drying conditions. Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology. 20 (2), 218-229.
39. Adenigba, A.A.. and Olalusi, A. P. (2019). Development and evaluation of a fish feed mixer. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 21(3): 226–233.
40. Adetola, O.A, O.J Olukunle, A.P Olalusi, and O.O Olubanjo. (2020). Models Establishment for Predicting Interaction between Tillage Practices and Some Selected Engineering Properties of Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Tubers. Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research, 34-48.
41. Aderotoye, A. M., A. P. Olalusi and C. I. Ayo- Olalusi (2020). Effects of Selected Tuber Crops Starch on Some Extrusion Properties of Fish Feed. Asian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research, Page 1-12 DOI: 10.9734/ajfar/2020/v7i330117
42. Famuyini, M. J., A. P. Olalusi and A. M. Sedara (2020) Effect of maturity stage on quality and shelf life of tomato (lycopersicon esculentum mill) using refrigerator storage system. Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research 2020; Vol: 4, Issue: 1, pp: 23-44
43. Ayanlade, TT, JA Adegboyega, and AP Olalusi. (2020) Modeling the Drying of Soybean Curd Residue Based Fish Feed. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 38 – 49
44. Ogunnaike, A. F and Olalusi, A. P. (2020). Performance Evaluation of a Continuous Flow Belt Dryer for a Wet Extruded Floating Fish Feeds. International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 7(1),: 1-7.
45. Odewole, M. M.; Olalusi, A. P., Omoba, O. S. and Oyerinde, A. S (2020) Microstructural Characteristics And Elemental Distribution Of Magnetic Field Pretreated Sweet Pepper. Carpathian Journal of Food Science & Technology . 2020, Vol. 12 Issue 3, p51-59
46. Ogunnaike, A. F, Olalusi, A. P. and Orimaye, O. S. (2020). Effects of Drying Parameters on some Physical Properties of a Dried Extruded Fish Feed. Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Technology (JAET), 25(2): 18 -28
47. Odewole, M. M.; Olalusi, A. P.; Omoba, O. S. and Oyerinde, A. S (2020) Microstructural Characteristics And Elemental Distribution Of Magnetic Field Fluted Pumpkin Leaf. Acta Technologica Agriculturae 1,Nitra, Slovaca Universitas Agriculturae Nitriae pp. 12–17
48. Odewole, M. M.; Olalusi, A. P. and Oyerinde, A. S (2021) Empirical Modeling Of The Effects Of Magnetic Field Pretreatment On The Drying Rate Of Sweet Pepper and Fluted Pumpkin Leaf. Scientific Study & Research in Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry 22 (3), pp. 331 – 340.
49. Isa, J.; Olalusi, A. P. and Omoba, O. S (2021) Drying Characteristics of Foam Dried Watermelon as affected by Stabilizing Agent And Drying Air Temperature. Annals. Food Science and Technology, 22 (3), pp. 285 –299.
50. Ogunnaike, A. F and Olalusi, A. P. (2021). Modelling Kinetics of extruded fish feeds in a Continuous Belt Dryer . Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 2(2): 289-297
51. Alabi, K.P, Olalusi, A. P., Olaniyan, A. M., Fadeyibi, A. and Gabriel, L. O.. (2022). Effects of osmotic dehydration pretreatment on freezing characteristics and quality of frozen fruits and vegetables . Journal of Food Process Engineering, 1 – 12. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfpe.14037
52. Ojekunle, EI, J Isa, and AP Olalusi. (2022) Development and Performance Evaluation of a Castor Oil Extractor. ABUAD Journal of Engineering Research and Development (AJERD), 5(1), 51-64
53. Olaoye SA, Owoseni OT and Olalusi AP (2022). Optimization of Some Physical and Functional Properties of Extruded Soybean Crud Residue-Base Floating Fish Feed. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research (TURKAGER), 3(1), 31-50. https://doi.org/10.46592/turkager.1008345
54. Isa, J..; Olalusi, A. P. and Omoba, O. S (2022). Quality Evaluation of Foam Dried Watermelon Flakes. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research (TURKAGER), 3(2), 245-264. https://doi.org/10.46592/turkager.1133558
55. Olalusi, A. P., S. A. Olaoye, J. Isa , A. S. Oyerinde, C. Ayo-Olalusi and D. O. Adesuyi. (2022). Development and Performance Evaluation of a Single Screw Extruder for the Production of Floating Fish Feed. J. Eng. Res. Rep., vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 48-58, 2022; Article no.JERR.90252
56. Odewole, M. M., A.P, Olalusi, S. A. Oyetunji, and O. Ogunbiyi. (2022) Process modeling and optimization of magnetic field pretreatment of sweet pepper and fluted pumpkin leaf. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 24(4): 183-194
57. Olaoye S. A, O. O. Oyekoge, O. T. Owoseni, D. O. Adesuyi, S. O. Oladele, J. Isa and Olalusi A. P (2023). Developmental Trend of Hybrid Solar Dryer: A Comprehensive Review. J. Eng. Res. Rep., Volume 24, Issue 1, Page 1-19; Article no.JERR.93861. ISSN: 2582-2926
58. Olaoye S. A, O. O. Oyekoge, O. T. Owoseni, D. O. Adesuyi, S. O. Oladele, J. Isa and Olalusi A. P (2023). Developmental Trend of Hybrid Solar Dryer: A Comprehensive Review. J. Eng. Res. Rep., Volume 24, Issue 1, Page 1-19; Article no.JERR.93861. ISSN: 2582-2926
59. Alabi, K.P, Olalusi, A. P., Isa, J.and Olushola, V. A.. (2023). Development and Performance Evaluation of a Microcontroller Pulsed Magnetic Field Machine for Assisting Cellular Foods Freezing. FUOYE Journal of Engineering and Technology (FUOYEJET), 8(4), 403-408. http://doi.org/10.46792/fuoyejet.v8i4.1096
60. Oloye, O.O., A.P, Olalusi, and F.R. Falayi. (2024) Investigation of carbohydrate content of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata) tubers stored in cold storage structure. Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences, 44(1), 1 – 6.
61. Olaoye S. A., Oladele. S. O., Jayieoba. F. k. and Olalusi A. P. (2024) Thermal and Non-thermal Pasteurization of citrus fruits: a bibliometric analysis. Helihon, Elsevier. Vol. 10 pp. 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e30905
Professor Olalusi is an expert in the field of Agricultural and Food Engineering. He has attended conferences both within and outside the country. He is also a reviewer to several academic and professional journals. He is a member of several professional organizations including Nigeria Institution of Agricultural Engineering; Nigeria Society of Engineers , American Society of Agriculture and Biological Engineers, Agricultural Society of Nigeria and a COREN Registered He won a N10.2 million naira World Bank Research Grant for the development of a Fish feed Extruder in 2014/2015 and 24,950 Euro from Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa and Biomass-Web, Germany, Research grant to facilitate Mass and energy balance analysis of pneumatic dryers for cassava and development of optimization models to increase competitiveness in 2016 to 2018. He received a Letter of Commendation from the University Vice Chancellor on the award of WAAPP research grant. He has developed several Agricultural and Processing machinery that could be adopted in Sub-Sahara Africa. He was nominated as the Best Inventor of the Year in the FUTA Excellence and Productivity Award, 2015.
1. Educational Institutions Attended (with dates):
(a) Primary: Sacred Heart Primary School, Akure. Sept., 1975 – July, 1981
(b) Secondary: Oyemekun Grammar School, Akure. Sept., 1981 – July, 1986
(c) Tertiary:
(i) Federal University of Technology, Akure. Nigeria. 1987 – 1992
(ii) Federal University of Technology, Akure. Nigeria. 1994 –1998
(iii) Federal University of Technology, Akure. Nigeria. 2004 – 2011
2. Qualifications (with dates)
(a) Academic:
(i) Ph.D., Agricultural Engineering (Storage and Processing option), 2011
(ii) M.Eng., Agricultural Engineering (Storage and Processing option), 2000
(iii) B.Eng., Agricultural Engineering, 1992
(a) University:
(i) Visiting Professor, Food Science and Technology Department, Mountain top University, Ibafo, Nigeria (December, 2021 to date)
· Provided input on the design of new courses
· Developed Proposal for Coconut Value Chain
· Teaching and Research
(ii) Dean, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, Mountain top University, Nigeria(2020 to 2021)
· Lead monthly Academic Board of Studies
· Coordinate the development of new academic programs and curricula and revision of the existing ones
· Oversee the Recruitment of Academic Staff and mentoring of Junior faculty members
· Coordinate student admissions, registration, academic advising, and graduation requirements.
· Develop and manage the faculty's budget
· Encourage faculty involvement in research projects and securing research funding
· Chief Editor, MTU Journal of Science and Technology
(iii) Director, Centre of Research, Innovation and Collaboration, Mountain top University, Nigeria (2018 to 2019)
· Developed and formulated a new Research Policy for the University
· Set up and Supervise Research Ethics Committee for the University
· Present reports on research activities in the university and external stakeholders
· Coordinate the Intellectual Property division and Technology Transfer
· Coordinate and Lead proposal writing for Research Grants
· Promote collaboration and interdisciplinary research initiatives within the university and with external partners.
· Initiate relationships between university and the industry.
· Promoted community service and outreach activities
(iv) Professor (Sabbatical) , Food Science and Technology Department, Mountain top University, Nigeria (December, 2019 to 2021)
· Chairman, Business Committee of Senate
· Chairman, Student Welfare Committee
· Chairman, University Library Committee
· Chairman, Board of Studies of CBAS
· Member, University Senate
· Member, University Tender Board
· Teaching, Research and Mentoring
(v) Visiting Professor : Food Science and Technology Department, Mountain top University, Nigeria (October, 2018 to 2019)
(vi) Professor, Agricultural and Environmental Engineering Department,
FUTA, Nigeria (October, 2018 to date)
(vii) Reader/Associate Professor, Agricultural and Environmental Engineering Department, FUTA, Nigeria (October, 2015 – 2018)
(viii) Senior Lecturer, Agricultural Engineering Department, FUTA, Nigeria (October, 2012 – 2015)
(ix) Lecturer I, Agricultural Engineering Department, FUTA, Nigeria (October, 2008 – 2012)
(x) Lecturer II, Agricultural Engineering Department, Federal University of Technology. Akure (FUTA), Nigeria (February, 2004 - September, 2008)
• Departmental Coordinator for SIWES Oct. 2006 – 2014
• Departmental Examination/Time Table Officer, Oct. 2004 – April 2012.
• Departmental Seminar Coordinator, 2007 – Present
• Staff adviser/registration officer for 200 level students.
• Member, SEET Data Processing Committee, 2010 to date
• Member, SEET Solar Power Committee, 2009-2012
• Member, SEET Time Table Committee, 2006 – 2014
• Member SEET Board of Studies, 2004 – present
• Chairman, SEET Committee on Innovation and Technology, 2014 to date.
• Member, University Committee on Innovation and Technology, 2014 to date.
• Chairman, Crop Processing Center Sub-committee of Step-B Sustainability. 2015 to date
• Member, University Committee on Step-B Sustainability. 2014 to date.
• Departmental Representative in School of Postgraduate Studies(SPGS) 2014 to 2016.
• Member, Thesis Registration Committee in SPGS 2014 to date
· Won the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Programme (WAAPP), Nigeria, Research Grant for the Development and evaluation of a floating fish feed extruder (N10,260,000) as the Principal Investigator-
· Won the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa and BiomassWeb, Germany, Research grant to facilitate Mass and energy balance analysis of pneumatic dryers for cassava and development of optimization models to increase competitiveness (Euro 24,950).
(b) Research Institute:
(i) Senior Research Officer, Engineering and Project Development Department, Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi (FIIRO), Lagos (2003 – 2004).
(ii) Research Officer I, Engineering and Project Development Department, Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi, Lagos (FIIRO), (1999 – 2002).
Conduct Reserarch in the area of Food Processing Machinery Design and fabrication
· Developed Niger Grass Harvesting Machine
· Developed Colloidal Milling Machine
· Developed Cowpea Dehulling Machine
· Member of the Institution Think Thank Committee for the Development of Indigenous Technology for the Nigerian Food Industries.
· Member, FIIRO Workshop and Fabrication Committee
(c) Polytechnic:
(i) Lecturer III, Agricultural Engineering Department, Ondo State Polytechnic (now Rufus Giwa Polytechnic), Owo.(1997 - 1999)
· Teaching, Research and Community Service
· Member, Town and Gown Committee and Community Relations
· Member, Timetable and Examination Committee
· Departmental Examination Officer
(d) Industry:
(i) Production Supervisor, McElyon Ventures, Gbagada, Lagos (1993 – 1994)
· Implement process optimizations to increase productivity and reduce waste.
· Monitor and maintain product quality by implementing quality control measures
· Oversee the maintenance and repair of production equipment and machinery
· Monitor production costs and find ways to reduce waste
· Coordinate the procurement and inventory management of raw materials
· Introduce automation and new technologies into the production process to enhance efficiency
(e) Others:
(i) Technical Tutor, Akure Academy, Akure, 1994 – 1997
(ii) Technical Extension Offier, North – East Arid Zone Development Programme, Garin Alkali, Yobe State (National service –NYSC) (1992 – 1993)
(iii) Industrial Attaché, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan (April – October, 1991)