Ndèye Aissatou DIOP

Company: CORAF

Position: Capacity Development Specialist

Expert Summary

As an Agricultural Engineer, my goal lies in the economic development of smallholders farmers and in contributing to ensure food security in Africa. I am a young senegalese woman very passionated about building secure agricutural value chains where women and youth can fully contribute and be competitive as both constitute an important share of the agricultural labor force.
My skills and qualifications are among others:
 Agriculture/ Food systems/ Food security/ Climate-smart Agriculture
 Development of agricultural value chains/Development of business models/ Market systems Development
 Project Design/Strategical and Operational Planning/Monitoring-Evaluation of projects/Budget Monitoring
 Connecting/Developing partnerships between value chain actors and private sector (Banks, Financial institutions, Services and equipment suppliers)
 Development of agricultural financial products
 Capacity building of staff and stakeholders / Training / Coaching / Mentoring of SMEs
 Gender inclusion and Youth entrepreneurship






Centre Africain d’Etudes Supérieures en Gestion (CESAG)

Master of Business Administration in Project and Program Management


Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Agriculture de Thiès (ENSA)


 Agricultural Engineer

With Honor « TRES BIEN»


Groupe Scolaire Educazur (GSE)

Scientific Baccalaureate With Honor

« Assez BIEN »




Description of the main responsibilities

 July 2023 -To date

West and Central Africa for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF)

/ CAADP-XP4 Project (23 countries in West and Central Africa)

Capacity Development Officer

v  Coordinate the design of the institutional, organizational, and human Capacity Development Strategy of the CORAF Executive Secretariat.

v  Organize regional capacity building sessions for women and young seed entrepreneurs of 9 countries on seed multiplication techniques and seed business management.

v  Initiate, coordinate, and implement the formalization of the regional network of women entrepreneurs in the seed industry in West and Central Africa.

v  Organize national training sessions in 5 countries (Gambia, Benin, Cape Verde, Gabon and Chad) on strategies for scaling up and scaling deep climate-smart agriculture and agroecology.

v  Organize capacity-building sessions on prospective seed demand at regional level.

v  Develop and implement joint action plans with Regional Economic Communities (ECOWAS, CEMAC) for countries capacity building in agricultural research.

v  Develop and implement joint action plans with regional producer organizations in West and Central (ROPPA, PROPAC) to promote the dissemination of agricultural technologies and innovations through research systems.

v  Provide administrative support in the preparation of the CAADP-XP4 project work plan, budget, and technical advice on project implementation arrangements.

v  Provide technical guidance to 23 National Agriculture Research Institutes in West and Central Africa on delivery and reporting of CAADP-XP4 supported activities and finances.

v  Monitor the fellowship program (PhD and Msc students) in collaboration with the National Agricultural Research Institutes (NARIs).

v  Develop a regional e-Scholarship platform for the digital management of student scholarships.

v  Manage all logistical, administrative and financial arrangements for organization for meetings, workshops, events, and missions;

v  Oversee travel arrangements for the CAADP-XP4 Project Team;

v  Prepare and assemble briefing materials and prepare power-point and other presentations; contribute inputs to the materials.

v  Contribute to the preparation of annual procurement plans and monitor their implementation.

v  Contribute to CORAF's resource mobilization by participating in the development of two full proposals on nutrition-sensitive agriculture and positive youth development. The two projects were awarded by USAID with funding of $3 million each.

v  Contribute to the development of knowledge management products and services: development of brochures to promote better methods of disseminating research knowledge to farmers.

v  Represent CORAF at high-level meetings at national, continental, and international levels.

September 2019-April 2023


I have worked on 2 programs, both funded by the MasterCard Foundation:

Strengthening African Rural Smallholders Program (Burkina, Senegal, Rwanda and Ethiopia) and Covid-19 Recovery and Resilience of Agriculture Project (Senegal).

Program Officer

v  Value Chain Development

      Coordinate a gender-sensitive value chains analysis with the M4P approach (market systems development)

      Coordinate a diagnostic of producer organizations and develop business plans for producer organizations (POs) and smallholders’ farmers.

      Develop and implement capacity building plans for POs and smallholder farmers.

      Develop, coordinate, and implement seed multiplication programs for producers.

      Facilitate partnership between private sector (companies), Business Development Services and Producers organizations in a pro-poor approach.

      Facilitate producers' access to quality inputs, markets and agricultural information through the Market Systems Development (M4P) approach.

      Introduce and disseminate tools and technologies through the Farmer Field Schools approach

      Support the digitization of value chains and the development of digital services on good agricultural practices

      Develop inclusive and sustainable business models between producer organizations and market actors

      Contribute to the inclusion of gender and youth in agricultural value chains.

v  Solar Irrigation Access Program

      Develop two credit-based business models for improved access to solar equipment for youth and women

      Develop and manage technical and financial partnerships with solar equipment suppliers

      Conduct technical studies to define the technical characteristics of the solar pumps to be installed

      Ensure the monitoring, control and reception of solar installations

      Develop a cultivation plan for the installed solar perimeters

      Develop and implement a technical capacity building plan for the beneficiaries

      Support the marketing of agricultural products according a contractualization- based approach.

      Coordinate a study to capitalize on the practices of the solar equipment access program 

      Produce a best practice guide for the implementation of subsidized solar pumps program for producers

v  Access to finance

      Participate in the development of financial products and services adapted to producers' needs

      Facilitate access to financing for producers by linking them with microfinance institutions and commercial banks

      Contribute to the development and adoption of solar investment credit

v  Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

      Participate in the development of the annual work plan, implementation and monitoring of activities

      Conduct case studies and write success stories, blogs/articles

      Quantitative and qualitative data analysis, reporting

      Produce capitalization documents, communicate these results and prepare leaflets, publications, etc.









Description of the main responsibilities

July 2018- August 2019 

Inclusive and Sustainable Development of the Agrobusiness project in Senegal (PDIDAS) funded by the World Bank

Program Officer

v  Coordination and implementation of an installation program of 20 demonstration plots on sustainable land and water management practices.

·       Define the technical specifications of the facilities needs (fence, water source, pumping system, irrigation system)

·       Prepare the tender documents for the works contract.

·       Participate in the evaluation of the technical and financial offers

·       Coordinate the execution of the contract and ensure the follow-up of the facilities works (Installation of solar pumping systems and micro-irrigation)

·       Support the communities in the cultivation of the perimeters with the promotion of climate-smart production systems, agroforestry practices and integrated agriculture


v  Coordination and implementation of capacity building activities

·       Elaboration of the ToR for the recruitment of consultants

·       Evaluation of technical and financial offers

·       Coordinate the implementation of the training program for 23 agricultural organizations on accounting/financial monitoring and organizational management

·       Coordinate the implementation of the "Farmer Field Schools (FFS)" program as part of the capacity building of 23 MSEs on good agricultural practices

·       Support the promotion of agribusiness among farmers to develop a commercial agriculture oriented towards contractualization and export of horticultural products


v  Coordination of the agricultural support program for producer organizations

      Develop procurement procedures for the acquisition of inputs, livestock and feeds, vaccines for the needs of crop and livestock activities of producer organizations

      Develop partnerships with agricultural and livestock inputs/equipment suppliers

      Develop purchase orders for the various acquisitions

      Ensure the reception of orders

      Ensure the follow-up of the economic activities of the producer organizations.


v  Support the implementation of classified forests and natural reserves management program

      Coordinate and supervise the planting work of 12,000 windbreak and live hedge plants at the Gnith PDIDAS pilot operation

      Supervise the development of community nurseries in the PDIDAS intervention area in connection with the National Agency for the Great Green Wall (ANGMV)

      Supervise the demarcation and labeling of protected areas in the PDIDAS intervention area in connection with the ANGMV ;