Company: Centre National de Recherche Agronomique (CNRA)
Position: Researcher
Im molecular biologist, working on plant pathogens, using biotechnology tools for theis characterizations.
Research articles
1- Thulani P. Makhalanyane, Oliver K. I. Bezuidt, Rian E. Pierneef, Eshchar Mizrachi, Adolphe Zeze, Romain K. Fossou, Claude Ghislaine Kouadjo, Samuel Duodu, Chioma B. Chikere, Olubukola O. Babalola, Ashwil Klein, Marshall Keyster, Mornè du Plessis, Nourou S. Yorou, Mohamed Hijri, Theresa Rossouw, Casper N. Kamutando, Stephanus Venter, Lucy N. Moleleki & Colin Murrell (2023). African microbiomes matter. Nat Rev Microbiol 21, 479–481 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41579-023-00925-y
2- Claude, K.Z.G., B. N'zue and J.K. Brown, (2023). A molecular study on African cassava mosaic disease management in Côte d'Ivoire. Int. J. Plant Pathol., 14: 1-12
3- GOGBE-DIBI Balé Françoise1*, KOUADJO Zézé Claude Ghislaine, COULIBALY Klotioloma1, DIABATE Sékou1, KOUADIO Ouattara Demby Laetitia Muriel1, N'CHO Achi Laurent1, DOGBO Dénézon Odette (2022). Pathogenic, Morphological and Molecular Diversity of Fusarium oxysporum f sp elaeidis Isolates, Causal Agent ofFusarium Wilt of Oil Palm in Côte d'Ivoire. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 11 Number 12
4- Sara Laetitia Elphège Gnangui, Romain Kouakou Fossou , Anicet Ebou, Chiguié Estelle Raïssa Amon , Dominique Kadio Koua , Claude Ghislaine Zaka Kouadjo , Don A. Cowan and Adolphe Zézé (2021). The Rhizobial Microbiome from the Tropical Savannah Zones in Northern Côte d’Ivoire. Microorganisms, 9, 1842. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganis ms9091842.
5- Yao Kouakou Alban Prosper, Wahounou Polié Jean, Kouadjo Zaka Ghislaine, Mpika Joseph, Diallo Atta Hortense (2018). Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Isolates of Corynespora Spp, Causal Agent of “Corynespora Leaf Fall Disease” of RubberTree in Côte d’Ivoire. European Journal of Scientific Research ; Vol. 148 No 4 pp. 440-449
6- Kouadjo, Zaka Ghislaine Claude; Lassina, Fondio; N'gbesso, Mako François De Paul ; Koffi, Ghislain (2018). Detection of Pepper Yellow Vein Mali Virus associated withpepper in Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire. .Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Vol. 8(10), pp. 304-309,
7- Y. Arocha Rosete, H. ATTA Diallo, J.L. Konan Konan, A.E.P. Kouamé, K. Séka, K.D. Kra, M.N. Toualy, K.E. Kwadjo, W.A.M.P. Daramcoum, N.I. Beugré, B.W.M. Ouattara, C.G. Kouadjo Zaka, K. Allou, N.D. Fursy-Rodelec, O.N. Doudjo-Ouattara, N. Yankey, S. Dery, A. Maharaj, M. Saleh, R. Summerbell, N. Contaldo, S. Paltrinieri, A. Bertaccini & J. Scott (2016). Detection and identification of the coconut lethal yellowing phytoplasma in weeds growing in coconut farms in Côte d’Ivoire. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, Vol. 38, No. 2, 164–173.
8- D. Jean-Marc Séry Z.G.Claude Kouadjo, B.R.Rodrigue Voko and Adolphe Zézé (2016) : Selecting Native Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi to Promote Cassava Growth andIncrease Yield under Field Conditions. Frontiers in Microbiology, Volume7; Article 2063.
9- DROH, Germain, KOUASSI, Abou-Bakari, KOUADJO, Zaka Ghislaine Claude, ZÉZÉ, Adolphe, NGUETTA, Assanvon Simon-Pierre, SANDERS, Ian R. (2016). Effects of two types of amf on growth of cocoa seedlings (Theobroma cacao l.) In greenhouses. 157Global Journal of Advanced Research Vol-3, Issue-3 PP. 157-164
10- Kouadjo Zaka Ghislaine Claude and Zeze Adolphe 2013. Genes related to chromate challenging systems in native Staphylococci species isolated from a fly ash dumping site. Geomicrobiology Journal Vol 30 61-67
11- Kouadjo Zaka Ghislaine Claude and Zeze Adolphe 2013. Proteomic analysis ofchromate response in Staphylococcus saprophyticus isolated from a fly ash dumping site. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol 12 2322-2330
12- Kouadjo Zaka Ghislaine Claude and Zeze Adolphe 2012. Native chromium resistant Staphylococcispecies from a Fly Ash dumping site harbor plasmid pMOL28 determinants. Agronomie africaine
13- Fossou Kouakou Romain, Kouassi Koffi II Nazaire, Kouadjo Zaka Claude Ghislaine, Zako Bi Iritie Marc Soumaila, Zeze Adolphe 2012. Diversité de rhizobia associés à un champde pois d’angole (Cajanus cajan L.) à Yamoussoukro (Centre de la Côte d’Ivoire).Agronomie Africaine
14- Zako Bi iritie Marc, Tie Bi Tra, Zirihi Guede Noel, Kouadjo Claude Zaka, Fossou Kouakou romain, zeze adolphe 2012. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated to Theobroma cocoa. African journal of Agricultural research Vol. 7(6), pp. 993-1001
15- Kouadjo Zaka Ghislaine Claude and Zéze Adolphe 2011. Chromium tolerance and reduction potential of Staphylococci species isolated from a fly ash dumping site in South Africa. African Journal of Biotechnology, 69 15587-15594
16- Kouadio Dian, Maturin Koffi Okoma, Edmond Kouablan Koffi, Désiré N’da Pokou, Modeste Kouassi Kan, Gislaine Zaka Kouadjo, Nazaire Koffi II Kouassi, AbdourahamaneSangare, Samuel OBOUAYEBA (2016). [Effect of Ethephon stimulation frequency in downward tapping on the production potential in upward tapping among PB 260 cloneofHevea brasiliensis in Ivory Coast. Int. J. Agr. Agri. Res. 8(2), pp. 51-63.
Technical sheets
1- Brou K Guy; Kouassi K. Nazaire; Zohouri G. Pierre N’Zué Boni, Kouadjo C. Ghislaine; ’Guessan A. Carine Dibi K.B. Evrard; Koné Daouda; Dogbo D. Odette Abdourahamane Sangaré. Les principales maladies fongiques, bactériennes et virales du manioc et, les approches de lutte recommandées. (2015). Bulletin CORAF] ; PP. 25.
2- C. Kouadjo, N.D. Pokou, G. P. Zohouri, A. M. Kouakou, E. B. Essis, K. E. Dibi, A. Adiko, G. P. Gnonhouri, R. Asiédu, S. Abdourahamane (2018). Bien identifier les ravageurs de l’igname en Côte d’ivoire. AISA Développement n°13.pp. 3
3- G. C. Kouadjo, N. D. Pokou, G. P Zohouri, A. M. Kouakou, E. B. Essis, K. E. Dibi, A. Adiko,G. P. Gnonhouri, R Asiédu, S. Abdourahamane (2018). Bien identifier les maladiesfongiques des Ignames en Côte d’ivoire. AISA Développement n°13 ; pp. 5.
4- Kouadjo-Zeze Claude Ghislaine, Konan K. Jean Louis, Daracoum V. Marie Pierre, (2020). CVomment faire le diagnostic précoce de la maladie d jaunissement mortel du cocotier en Côte d’Ivoire. Bulletin CNRA
Im the head of the Central Laboratory for Biotechnology in CNRA
2008-2012: PhD thesis : exchange student, Institute for Microbial, Biotechnology and Metagenomics (IMBM), University of Western Cape (South-Africa) and University of Félix Houphoüet Boigny (Côte-d’Ivoire)
Subject: Study of Mechanisms of resistance and microbial reduction of chromium: the case of fly ash from a dumping site in Mpumalanga (South Africa).
2006-2008: Master degree (Plant Biotechnology), University of Félix Houphoüet Boigny (Côte-d’Ivoire)
Subject: Study of agricultural practices and emergence of tapping panel dryness in the rubber tree; sector of Daoukro and Soubré (Côte-d’Ivoire).
2005-2006 : Honors degree (Genetic), University of Félix Houphoüet Boigny (Côte-d’Ivoire)
2004-2005: Bsc in Molecular Genetics, University of Félix Houphoüet Boigny (Côte-d’Ivoire)
Im researche at CNRA since 2014.
Now Im the head of the Central laboratory for biotechnology