Company: Institut de Recherche Agronomique et Forestière (IRAF)
Position: Researcher
My expertise includes detection, characterization, identification, and control of viruses that infect plants, as well as molecular plant pathology. My experience includes capacity building, conducting research and presenting research results. Two viruses discovered in my research were novel species. My goal is to empower communities through research, development, and training so that they are able to achieve food security and eat healthier food.
Karavina, C., Ibaba, J.D., Gubba, A., 2023. Detection and molecular analysis of shallot latent virus infecting Allium sativum in Zimbabwe. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 128,102175. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmpp.2023.102175
Ndaba, B.S., Ibaba, J.D., Mafongoya, P.L., Gubba, A., 2023. First Report of Groundnut Ringspot Virus Infecting Nicotiana tabacum (Tobacco) in South Africa. Plant Dis. 107, 2566. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-09-22-2279-PDN
Karavina, Charles, Jacques Davy Ibaba, and Augustine Gubba, ‘Potato Virus Y Isolates Infecting Bell Pepper from Parts of Southern Africa Display Distinct Recombination Patterns’, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 114 (2021), 101638
Ibaba, J.D., and A. Gubba, ‘High-Throughput Sequencing Application in the Diagnosis and Discovery of Plant-Infecting Viruses in Africa, a Decade Later’, Plants, 9.10 (2020), 1376
Karavina, Charles, Jacques Davy Ibaba, and Augustine Gubba, ‘High-Throughput Sequencing of Virus Infected Cucurbita Pepo Samples Revealed the Presence of Zucchini Shoestring Virus in Zimbabwe’, BMC Research Notes, 13.1 (2020), 53
Karavina, Charles, Jacques Davy Ibaba, and Augustine Gubba, ‘Full Genome Sequence of a Chrysanthemum-Infecting Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Isolate from Zimbabwe Obtained by next Generation Sequencing’, Acta Virologica, 64.1 (2020), 88–92
Karavina, Charles, Jacques Davy Ibaba, and Augustine Gubba, ‘Characterization of Three Full Iris Yellow Spot Virus Genes of a Garlic-Infecting Isolate from Zimbabwe Using next-Generation Sequencing Technology’, African Journal of Biotechnology, 18.30 (2019), 928–34.
Karavina, Charles, Jacques D Ibaba, and Augustine Gubba, ‘Genome Sequence of a Tomato-Infecting Tomato Mosaic Virus Isolate from Zimbabwe.’, Genome Announcements, 6.11 (2018), e01457-17
Ximba, S.P.F., J.D. Ibaba, and A. Gubba, ‘Potato Virus Y Strains Infecting Potatoes in the Msinga District in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa’, Crop Protection, 96 (2017), 188–94
Ibaba, Jacques D., Benice J Sivparsad, Mark D Laing, and Augustine Gubba, ‘Use of a Chimeric Transgene Construct to Confer Broad Resistance in Zucchini ( Cucurbita Pepo L.) Plants against Cucurbit-Infecting Potyviruses Occurring in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa’, South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 34.3 (2017), 235–37
Ibaba, Jacques D., Mark D. Laing, and Augustine Gubba, ‘Pepo Aphid-Borne Yellows Virus: A New Species in the Genus Polerovirus’, Virus Genes, 53.1 (2017), 134–36
Ibaba, J.D., M.D. Laing, and A. Gubba, ‘Genome Sequence Analysis of Two South African Isolates of Moroccan Watermelon Mosaic Virus Infecting Cucurbits’, Virus Genes, 52.6 (2016), 896–99
Ibaba, J. D., M. D. Laing, and A. Gubba, ‘Zucchini Shoestring Virus: A Distinct Potyvirus in the Papaya Ringspot Virus Cluster’, Archives of Virology, 161.8 (2016), 2321–23
Karavina, C., J. D. Ibaba, and A. Gubba, ‘First Report of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Infecting Butternut Squash (Cucurbita Moschata) in Zimbabwe’, Plant Disease, 100.4 (2016), 870
Karavina, C., S. Ximba, J. D. Ibaba, and A. Gubba, ‘First Report of a Mixed Infection of Potato Virus Y and Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus on Pepper (Capsicum Annuum) in Zimbabwe’, Plant Disease, 100.7 (2016), 1513
Karavina, C., J. D. Ibaba, and A. Gubba, ‘First Report of Iris Yellow Spot Virus Infecting Onion in Zimbabwe’, Plant Disease, 100.1 (2016), 235–235
Karavina, C., J. D. Ibaba, A. Gubba, and H. R. Pappu, ‘First Report of Iris Yellow Spot Virus Infecting Garlic and Leek in Zimbabwe’, Plant Disease, 100.3 (2016), 657–657
Ibaba, J.D., M.D. Laing, and A. Gubba, ‘Incidence and Phylogeny of Viruses Infecting Cucurbit Crops in KwaZulu-Natal, Republic of South Africa’, Crop Protection, 75 (2015), 46–54
Ibaba, J. D., M D Laing, and A Gubba, ‘First Report of a Novel Potyvirus from the Papaya Ringspot Virus Cluster Infecting Zucchini (Cucurbita Pepo) in KwaZulu-Natal, Republic of South Africa’, Plant Disease, 99.9 (2015), 1289
Moodley, Vaneson, JD Ibaba, Naidoo Roobavathie, and Augustine Gubba, ‘Full-Genome Analyses of a Potato Virus Y (PVY) Isolate Infecting Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) in the Republic of South Africa’, Virus Genes, 49.3 (2014), 466–76
Ibaba, JD, and A Gubba, ‘Phylogenetic Studies of Selected Isolates of Potato Virus Y (PVY) Infecting Vegetable Crops in KwaZulu-Natal, Republic of South Africa’, South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 29.2 (2012), 117–20
Ibaba, J.D., and A. Gubba, ‘Diversity of Potato Virus Y Isolates Infecting Solanaceous Vegetables in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal in the Republic of South Africa’, Crop Protection, 30.11 (2011), 1404–8
Charles Karavina, Jacques Davy Ibaba & Augustine Gubba. Phylogenetic analysis and characterization of a Tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus isolate infecting Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema morifolium) in Zimbabwe. Paper presented at the 10th International Virology Summit. Vienna, Austria. 02 04 July 2018
JP Havugimana, JD Ibaba, V Moodley, KS Yobo & MD Laing. Discovering a novel biocontrol agent to control soybean rust. Poster presented at University of KwaZulu-Natal research day. Republic of South Africa. October 2017.
Ibaba, J. D., Laing, M. D. & Gubba, A. 2015. Development of transgenic baby marrow (Cucurbita pepo L.) Plants with broad resistance to potyviruses occurring in KwaZulu Natal. Paper presented at the 49th congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathology. Bloemfontein; Republic of South Africa. 19-21 January 2015.
Ibaba, J.D. & Gubba, A. 2011. Characterization of Potato virus Y (PVY) isolates infecting solanaceous vegetables in KwaZulu-Natal. Paper presented at the 47th congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathology, Kruger National Park; Republic of South Africa. 23-26 January 2011.
Ibaba, J.D. & Gubba, A. 2007. Identification of viruses infecting tomato in KwaZuluNatal. Paper presented at the 20th annual Symposium of the South African Society of Microbiology KZN Branch, Durban; Republic of South Africa
Currently Reseacher at IRAF,
Lecturer at University of KwaZulu-Natal South Africa from 2020 to 2023.
Researcher at Institute for Commercial Forestry Research, Pietermaritzburg South Africa 2023.
Post Doc at University of KwaZulu-Natal South Africa in 2019
Post Doc at University of Pretoria in South Africa From 2016 to 2017.