Company: Value Seeds Limited/Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
Position: PhD-Scholar
Plant Breeder specializing in Rice improvement
(a) Job, A., Iseghohi, I. O., Igyuve, M. T., Olayiwola, R., Akinwale, R., Ojo, G. O., Abe, A., Obisesan, O., & Ogundare, E. (2024). Performance of early-maturing topcross maize hybrids across multi-environments. Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science, 16(1), 15-26.
(b) Job, A.; Iseghohi, I.; Abe, A.; Yahaya, M.; Olayiwola, R.; Akinwale, R.; Obisesan, O.; Igyuve, M. (2022). Genetic Analysis of Agronomic and Fall Armyworm-Resistance Traits in Maize Hybrids with Varying Levels of Resistance to Stem Borers. Agronomy, 12, 3042. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12123042
(c) Job A. and Igyuve T. M. (2022). Line X Tester Analysis of Early Maturing Maize Inbred Lines for Yield and Secondary Traits. International Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences 6(4):21-36
(d) A. Job, M.A. Yahaya, A.A. Yusuf, S. Abdulrahman, A.I. Gabasawa, I.M. Utono, R. Olayiwola, R. Akinwale, I. Iseghohi, G. Zangir, A. Abidakun, M. Adakwu, T.M Igyuve and A. Fashina (2022). Nomination of a Medium Maturing White Maize (Zea mays L.) Hybrid (VSL 2101) with combined tolerance to drought and low soil nitrogen (Low N) for registration and release in Nigeria. 30th Meeting of National Committee on Naming, Registration and Release of Crop Varieties, Livestock Breeds (NVRC). The National Center for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (NACGRAB), Moor Plantation, Ibadan, 12th January. Document WP10K: 1-19.
(e) A. Job, M.A. Yahaya, A.A. Yusuf, S. Abdulrahman, A.I. Gabasawa, I.M. Utono, R. Olayiwola, R. Akinwale, I. Iseghohi, G. Zangir, A. Abidakun, M. Adakwu, T.M Igyuve and A. Fashina (2022). Nomination of a Medium Maturing Yellow Maize (Zea mays L.) Hybrid (VSL 2102) with tolerance to low soil nitrogen (Low N) for registration and release in Nigeria. The National Center for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (NACGRAB), Moor Plantation, Ibadan, 12th January. Document WP10L: 1-18.
(f) A. Job, M.A. Yahaya, A.A. Yusuf, S. Abdulrahman, A.I. Gabasawa, I.M. Utono, R. Olayiwola, R. Akinwale, I. Iseghohi, G. Zangir, A. Abidakun, M. Adakwu, T.M Igyuve and A. Fashina (2022). Nomination of an Early Maturing White Maize (Zea mays L.) Hybrid (VSL 2065) with tolerance to low soil nitrogen (Low N) for registration and release in Nigeria. 30th Meeting of National Committee on Naming, Registration and Release of Crop Varieties, Livestock Breeds (NVRC). The National Center for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (NACGRAB), Moor Plantation, Ibadan, 12th January. Document WP10M: 1-17.
(g) A. Sheidu, T. M. Igyuve and A. E. Ochigbo (2021). Estimates of Heritability and Genetic Advance for Yield Components of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) under Drought Stress Conditions, Badeggi Journal of Agricultural Research and Environment Vol 3 (3):10-17
(h) A.E. Ochigbo, A. Sheidu and T.M. Igyuve (2021). Genotype x Environment Interaction on Agronomic Characters of Pro-Vit A Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred line under managed nitrogen environment. Nigerian Journal of Genetics. 35(2):46-57
(i) A.E. Ochigbo, T.M. Igyuve and G.O.S. Ojo (2021). Genetic variability and heritability estimate of maize endosperms using full-sib recurrent selection scheme, Direct Research Journal of Agriculture and Food Science. 9(1):230-235.
(j) Ojo GOS, Ochigbo AE and Igyuve T. M (2020). Genotype by Environment Interaction of Full-sib Families of Maize Endosperms Evaluated in the Southern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. International Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science, 7(1): 653-660.
(k) G. O. S Ojo, A. E. Ochigbo, T. M. Igyuve, and A. Sheidu (2019). “Selective Breeding: A Panacea for Enhancement and Adoption of Biofortified crops in Nigeria”. Proceedings of the Maiden Annual Congress of the Organisation of Professional biotechnologist and Bioengineers of West Africa (OPBBWA) 5th - 8th February 2019, Federal College of Forestry, Jos, Nigeria.
(l) Igyuve T.M., Ojo G.O.S., Ochigbo A.E., and Ugbaa MS. (2018). “Fall Army Worm (Spodoptera frugiperda); its biology, impact and control in Maize production” Nigerian Journal of Crop Science, 5 (1):70-79
(m) Igyuve T.M., Ojo G.O.S., and Vange T. (2017). “Intra-population improvement in maize using full-sib and s1 selection scheme”. Proceedings of the 41st annual conference of Genetic Society of Nigeria. October, 2017.
vast in agronomy of rice, soybean, cowpea, maize, wheat and sorghum
Bachelor of Agriculture (Plant Breeding and Seed Science)
MSc (Plant Breeding and Genetics)
(a) Early Generation Seeds Manager – Value Seeds Limited
(b) Project Lead: AfricaRice Covid-19 Response Rice Seed Project
(c) Project Lead: Kano State Agro-Pastoral Development Project (KSADP)
(d) Grant written/awarded: COVID-19 Response Rice Seed Project (CORIS) – AfricaRice, 2021 (Value Seeds Limited)
(e) AfricaRice-Value Seeds: OneRice - a unified rice breeding strategy to develop and deliver better rice varieties faster to the farmers in Africa and Asia” 2021.
(f) 2015 Batch ‘A’ NYSC President Community Development Service
Garko L.G.A, Kano State (2015 – 2016)
(g) Office Assistant to Christabel Int’l National Centre for Women Development FCT Abuja (2014)
(h) President Association of Agronomy Student (AAS), FUAM, (2009 – 2013)