Company: Centre National de Recherche Agronomique
Position: Economist & Social Scientist, Director of CNRA Gagnoa Research Station
Dr. Mahyao Germain Adolphe is the Director of the National Center for Agronomic Research (CNRA) Research Station in Gagnoa in Côte d’Ivoire. He has over 19 years of experience as a senior agricultural researcher and evaluation experts, including 12 years conducting impact evaluations in the agricultural sector, including cocoa. The CNRA is a leading agricultural research institute in Côte d’Ivoire with a large network – where Mr. Adolphe has been publishing scientific works and working closely with the Cocoa research programme and affiliated companies. Among other projects, Mr. Adolphe has led the local implementation of the CocoaSoils project, where he oversaw the MEL system and surveyed over 800 cocoa farm households. For SOCODEVI Canada, he worked on a project strengthening resilience of cocoa cooperatives to climate change. Mr. Adolphe has worked with various partners for several projects before, including smallholder farmers and SMEs in West Africa.
1. Kouamé Gilles Léonce Niamketchi, Jean Noël Konan, Mahyao Germain Adolphe, Hauverset Assiénin N’guessan, Christophe Bini Adou, Aurore Bel Martime Kablan and Armand Gouai (2024) Quality assessment of artisanal palm oil from smallholders in the department of Man, western region of Côte d'Ivoire, World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(01), 846–856, Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.30574/wjarr.2024.24.1.2765
2. Paulin KOFFI, Kouacou René AKANVOU, Mahyao Germain ADOLPHE et Konan-Kan Hippolyte KOUADIO (2024) Disponibilité et usages des résidus de cabossage en cacaoculture en Côte d’Ivoire : Une opportunité pour améliorer la fertilité des sols et la biosécurité des végétaux, International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, ISSN 2028-9324 Vol. 41 No. 4 Feb. 2024, pp. 1273-1285, http://www.ijias.issr-journals.org/
3. Kouabena KREMAN, Adolphe MAHYAO, N’Golo OUATTARA, Kouakou Eugène KOUADIO et N’gouan Cyrille KOUASSI (2023) Caractéristiques techniques des élevages de poulets modernes à petite échelle en Côte d’Ivoire, Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, vol 13[3] Juin 2023.
4. Antoine Alban Kacou M’bo, Mamadou Cherif, Kouakou Kouadio, Mahyao Germain Adolphe, Adama Bamba, Evelyne N’Datchoh Toure, Alla Kouadio Okou, Renée Brunelle, Yanick Rouseau and Daouda Koné (2023). Climate Variability and Outlook of Cocoa Production in Côte D’ivoire under Future Climate, in Ohikhena Agele, Samuel, and Olufemi Samuel Ibiremo (eds). ‘Shifting Frontiers of Theobroma Cacao - Opportunities and Challenges for Production’. IntechOpen. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.112643.
5. Antoine Alban Kacou M’BO, Mahyao Germain ADOLPHE, Kouakou KOUADIO, Alla Kouadio OKOU, Renée BRUNELLE, Mamadou CHERIF (2022). Variabilité climatique et devenir de la cacaoculture en Côte d’Ivoire d’ici 2050. Note de synthèse à l’attention des décideurs et décideuses,10 p. Projet AdaptCoop 2019-2022.
6. G. A. MAHYAO, E. ASSI, B. KOUAME, B. H. GUIRAUD, W. P. N’GUESSAN, K. COULIBALY, C. KOFFI (2022). Effets de scenarios de changements climatiques sur la cacaoculture en Côte d’Ivoire, Agronomie Africaine 34 (3) : 457 – 468, eISSN: 1015-2288. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/aga/issue/view/21717
7. Adopo, W. A., Adolphe, M. G., Tiehi, N., Koffi, C., Kouakou, K., & Ballo, Z. (2022). Impact of Swollen Shoot Disease on the Livelihoods of Smallholder Cocoa Farmers in Côte d’Ivoire. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 18 (40), 58. https://doi.org/10.19044/esj.2022.v18n40p58
8. Essehi J.J., Adolphe M.G., Adou B.Y.C. & Obouayeba S. (2022). Efficacité et Rentabilité de l’utilisation du Compost à Base de Fiente de Poulet dans la Production de Plants d’hévéa de Pépinière en Sac. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 18 (27), 366. https://doi.org/10.19044/esj.2022.v18n27p366
9. M. G. ADOLPHE, O. YAPI, N. SOGODOGO, A. KOUASSI, B. YEBOI, C. KOUAME (2021). Rentabilité économique des techniques de régénération cacaoyère dans la région de Soubré au Sud-Ouest de la Cote d’ivoire. Agronomie Africaine 33 (3) : 397 – 408, eISSN: 1015-2288. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/aga/issue/view/20371
10. A. W. AFFESSI, M. G. ADOLPHE, T. N. TIEHI, K. KOUAKOU, B. H. GUIRAUD (2021). Evaluation de l’adoption des variétés améliorées de cacaoyers appelées « Mercedes » en Côte d’ivoire. Agronomie Africaine 33 (3) : 357 – 369, eISSN: 1015-2288. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/aga/issue/view/20371
11. Kouakou, A. M., Yao, G. F., Dibi, K. E. B., Mahyao, A., Lopez-Montes, A., Essis, B. S., N’zue, B., Kouamé, B., Adebola, P. O., Asfaw, A., & Asiedu, R. (2019). Yam Cropping System in Cote d’Ivoire: Current Practices and Constraints. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 15(30), 278. https://eujournal.org/index.php/esj/article/view/12537
12. Modeste K. K., Adolphe, M., Boni, N., Edmond, K., & Camille, K. (2018). Status of Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) in Côte d’Ivoire: From Production to Consumption and Evaluation of Technology Adoption. European Scientific Journal, Vol.14, No.9 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431, https://doi.org/10.19044/esj.2018.v14n9p285
13. ATSIN G. J. O., SOUMAHIN E. F., MAHYAO A., OKOMA K. M., KOUAKOU T. H. and OBOUAYEBA S. (2017). Incidence of latex harvesting technologies on agronomic and physiological parameters and profitability of some rapid metabolic class clones of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) in southwestern Côte d’Ivoire, Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 11(5): 2209-2224 DOI: 10.4314/ijbcs.v11i5.21. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ijbcs/article/view/164760
14. Mahyao Germain Adolphe, Ismael Mourifie, Jean Louis Konan Konan, Jonas Guei Ibo, Nazarette Koulou, Hortense Atta Diallo, Kouassi Allou, Kristine White, James Scott and Yaima Arocha Rosete (2016) Socio-economic impact of the coconut lethal yellowing disease on Ivorian smallholder coconut farm families, African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Vol. 4 (9), pp. 463-479.
15. A. Mahyao, E. F Soumahin, C. Koffi, L. F. Coulibaly, A. E. B. N’Guessan, C. Kouame and S. Obouayeba (2014) Economic analysis of compensating systems for the scarcity of tapping labour in the rubber industry in Cote d’Ivoire, Journal of rubber research, Volume 17 (1), p 34 – 44.
16. G. A. Mahyao, C. Koffi, C. Kouassi N’Gouan et V. Yapi-Gnaoré Chia (2014) Pêche et commercialisation des crevettes d’eau douce du fleuve Bandama en Côte d’Ivoire, Tropicultura, Volume 32 (2), p 95 – 102
17. Bahan F., Kéli J., Yao-Kouamé A., Gbakatchétché H., Mahyao A., Bouet A. et Camara M. (2012). Caractérisation des associations culturales à base de riz (Oryza sp): cas du Centre-Ouest forestier de la Côte d’Ivoire, Journal of Applied Biosciences, Vol 56. p 4118 – 4132
18. Charles Konan KOUAKOU, Louise AKANVOU, Yao Anderson KONAN, Adolphe MAHYAO (2010) Stratégies paysannes de maintien et de gestion de la biodiversité du maïs (Zea mays L.) dans le département de Katiola, Côte d’Ivoire, Journal of Applied Biosciences, Vol 33, p 2100 – 2109.
19. Mahyao A., Kouame C., Agbo E., N'Zi J. C., Fondio L. and Van Damme P. (2009) Socio-economic Importance of Urban Markets Supply Chains of Indigenous Leafy Vegetables in Côte d'Ivoire, Acta Horticulturae, N° 806. Vol. 2: p 489 - 496.
20. Agbo E., Kouame C., Mahyao A., N'Zi J. C. and Fondio L (2009) Nutritional Importance of Indigenous Leafy Vegetables in Côte d'Ivoire, Acta Horticulturae, N° 806. Vol. 1: p 361 - 366.
21. Mahyao A., Doumbia S., Zohouri G.P. et Zoungrana P. (2007) Rentabilité des investissements dans le commerce de gros des ignames en milieu urbain : cas des grossistes d'Abidjan en Côte d'Ivoire, Annales des Sciences Agronomiques du Bénin, Vol 9, n°2 Spécial, p 69-92
22. Doumbia S., Touré M. et Mahyao A. Commercialisation de l'igname en Côte d'Ivoire : état actuel et perspectives d'évolution (2006), Cahiers Agricultures, Vol. 15, n° 3, p 273-276.
23. Mahyao A., Zoungrana P., Kouame C. N. et Zohouri G.P. (2003) Commercialisation de l'igname en milieu urbain : cas de la ville d'Abidjan. Agronomie Africaine, 2003, numéro spécial (4), p 123-142.
24. Toure M., Stessens J. et Mahyao A. (2003) Variation saisonnière de l'offre et des prix de l'igname en Côte d'Ivoire, Agronomie Africaine, Numéro Spécial (4), p 69-82.
Member of the African Growth and Development Policy Modeling Consortium (AGRODEP) since 2012
PhD in Economics, University of Cocody-Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire (2008)
- Director of Research Station CNRA Gagnoa (since August 27, 2020)
- Head of the Agrarian Systems and Sustainable Development Program of CNRA (04 October 2016 to 18 January 2022)
Socio-economic studies conducted/in progress on perennial tree crops
1. Design and Evaluation of the Innovative Rubber-Yam Agroforestry System for Food Security in the West African Guinean Zone (Côte d'Ivoire): IRD-AHISSA Project (2022-2023)
2. Evaluation of the profitability of processing rubber seeds into oil, cakes and soaps: FIRCA project (2022)
3. Cost evaluation of the use of the atomizer vs drone for the fungicide treatment of rubber plantations in Côte d'Ivoire: FIRCA Project (2022)
4. Economic evaluation of the use of vermicomposts made from poultry droppings in rubber tree nurseries: FIRCA project (2022)
5. Economic evaluation of organic fertilization of young rubber tree seedlings: FIRCA project (2018)
6. Economic analysis of compensatory systems for the scarcity of tapper labor in the rubber industry in Côte d'Ivoire: FIRCA project (2012 – 2013)
Oil palm
7. Evaluation of the profitability of motorized perch used for oil palm harvesting in Côte d'Ivoire: FIRCA Project (2021-2022)
8. Economic evaluation of maturity criteria for oil palm harvesting in Côte d'Ivoire: FIRCA Project (2017)
9. Evaluation of the profitability of transforming the sap from the inflorescence of the coconut tree into sugar: FIRCA project (2022)
10. Evaluation of the socio-economic impact of coconut lethal yellowing disease (CILY) on coconut-producing households in the Grand-Lahou area of Côte d'Ivoire: CRDI-DFATD Canada project (2014 - 2016)
Cocoa and coffe
11. Evaluation of the Socioeconomic Impact of Cocoa Swollen Shoot Disease (CSSVD) on Cocoa farm families in Côte d'Ivoire: FIRCA 2QC/GT Project (2014 – 2015)
12. Economic analysis of cocoa regeneration techniques tested in the Soubré region of Côte d'Ivoire: ICRAF/ V4C project (2013)
13. Economic analysis of cocoa and coffee regeneration techniques in Côte d'Ivoire: FIRCA 2QC project (2012 – 2013)
14. Integrated Cotton Pest Management: Baseline survey on threshold treatment techniques for cotton pests in northern Côte d'Ivoire: GIRCOT Project (2015)
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Food crops (cassava, maize, yam and rice)
15. Evaluation of the impact of the adoption of new cassava varieties on the well-being of producers in Côte d'Ivoire: FAO project (2018)
16. Profitability analysis of the use of bio-fertilizers in the cultivation of maize, cassava and tomato in Côte d'Ivoire: CORAF project (2018)
17. Improved availability and accessibility of quality seeds for cassava producers: Baseline survey on current status of cassava production and technological level, assessment of local adaptability; selection of elite cassava seeds adapted to specific regional environments in Côte d'Ivoire: KAFACI Project (2016)
18. Evaluation of the impact of the adoption of new maize varieties on the well-being of producers in the northern zone of Côte d'Ivoire: CORAF/WECARD Project (2017)
19. Identification of criteria for choice and preference of producers for the selection of maize varieties in Côte d'Ivoire: WAAPP Project (2014)
20. Strengthening Yam Breeding for Increased Productivity and Better Quality in West Africa: Baseline Survey of Yam Production Systems in Côte d'Ivoire: AFRICAYAM Project (2016)
21. Analysis of the profitability of yam seed production with the mini-set technique: WAAPP project (2015)
22. Diagnosis of the constraints of lowland and upland rice cultivation in the regions of Gagnoa and Man in Côte d'Ivoire: AfricaRice SARD-SC Project (2012)
Value chains of fishing (freshwater shrimps) and livestock (cattle and poultry) products
23. Evaluation of the performance of fishing and marketing of freshwater shrimps from the Bandama River in Côte d'Ivoire: FARA Project (2009 – 2012)
24. Analysis of the value chain of trypanotolerant cattle in the Lobi zone in Côte d'Ivoire: UEMOA project (2013 – 2015)
25. Evaluation of the economic performance of modern small-scale chicken farming systems in Côte d'Ivoire: KAFACI – Project (2016)
Climate change and resilience in agriculture
26. Strengthening the resilience of cocoa cooperatives to the effects of climate change in Côte d'Ivoire: AdaptCoop/SOCODEVI project (2019 - 2022)
27. Analysis of the socio-economic determinants of the resilience of agricultural production in northern Côte d'Ivoire: CORAF/WECARD – ILWAC Project (2012- 2015)
28. Diagnosis of producers' constraints face to climate change in three agro-ecological regions (Soubré, Taabo and Yamoussoukro) of Côte d'Ivoire: CORAF/WECARD – ILWAC Project (2012- 2015)