Dr LEYE El Hadji Malick

Fort de 15 ans d’expériences en recherche développement acquises à l’ISRA et à l’ONG AFRIKYOTO SAHEL, je suis maître de Recherches en sciences du sol spécialisé en microbiologie. De 2021 à novembre 2023, en tant que Directeur de l”information...

Delandy Ako

I am passionate about the field of agriculture,  particularly sustainable agricultural production.  As a holder of master’s degree in Agronomy and soil Science,  I put as much effort to help rural farmers around south west Region Cameroon with guidance and...

William Agyei-Manu

William Agyei-Manu has over 22 years experience working in both public and Private Sectors. He is the Executive Director of Ghana Cassava Centre of Excellence, GCCE where he leads research, advocacy and enterprises development initiatives of the Centre. William has...