Traoré, Delvyn-Axel Dagnan

!Specialist in Economic Ethics and Sustainable Development (EEDD), I had, for more than 15 years, rewarding professional experiences on issues related to my areas of expertise.

Wole Alamu

Wole Alamu holds a PhD degree of the prestigious university of ibadan. He is an expert in Forest Resources Management with specialty in Environmental Forestry and Biodiversity Conservation. He acknowledged that conflicts arise from Resources ownership,  therefore,  he...

Ababacar DIOUF

Je suis architecte IT spécialisé dans les solutions de sécurité . Je possède plus de 15 ans d’expérience en TI et en sécurité, ayant occupé des postes clés en TI au sein d’entreprises comme Bell Canada, McKesson et ThinkWrap, ainsi qu’une expérience...

Akyala Abraham

Akyala employs the intersectionality approach to integrate the gender, migration, natural resources (water and energy), environment and climate change nexus into agricultural research and policy development.

Bere Benjamin Bantchina, PhD

Dr. Bantchina is a consultant and researcher specializing in precision agriculture. He is dedicated to enhancing water and fertilizer use efficiency through the integration of smart farming technologies. His academic pursuits focus on advancing this field by utilizing...