Ndeye Bineta FALL

I have combined a degree in Agricultural Engineering, specializing in Rural Economics and Sociology, with a Master II in Value Chain Development, Entrepreneurship and Agribusiness at the National High School of Agriculture, Senegal. I have legitimate research...

Akyala Abraham

Akyala employs the intersectionality approach to integrate the gender, migration, natural resources (water and energy), environment and climate change nexus into agricultural research and policy development.

Bere Benjamin Bantchina, PhD

Dr. Bantchina is a consultant and researcher specializing in precision agriculture. He is dedicated to enhancing water and fertilizer use efficiency through the integration of smart farming technologies. His academic pursuits focus on advancing this field by utilizing...


Capacité à collecter, analyser et interpréter des données quantitatives et qualitatives pour évaluer l’efficacité des programmes et projets. Maîtrise des techniques de rédaction pour préparer des propositions de projets convaincantes, y compris la rédaction de...

Hafiz Adéwalé Adio SALAMI

Mes domaines de compétences portent sur la génétique et l’amélioration des plantes, ainsi qu’en biologie moléculaire, en agronomie, expérimentation agricole, en gestion des ressources phytogénétiques et en production de semences. Mes travaux portent...