Mahama Samuel

Head of the Corporate Strategic Planning Monitoring & Evaluation /MIS (CSPM&E/MIS) of the CSIR  and currently leading the automation and digitalisation of an online M&E system for the implementation of the organisation’s 5 Strategic Plan. Has worked at the...


Soil Sciences and related areas (Soil fertility and pedology, Fertilizers, organiques and inorganique, Agroécologie, Smart climat agriculture Organic farming) Agricoltural knowledge management Irrigation  

Ezekiel Odonkor (PhD)

Ezekiel Odonkor is a Research Scientist, a Certified Knowledge Manager, an Agricultural Programme Manager, an expert in Extension Communication, and the use of innovation systems approach for research. He is also trained in Advanced Science Communication to reach the...


Dr. Diezou Maurelle est titulaire d’un Doctorat en communication politique et des organisations obtenu à l’Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny d’Abidjan, renforçant ainsi sa capacité à mener des stratégies de complexes de communication. Elle est une...