Mahugnon Djohy

Mahugnon Djohy is economist, adaptation and resilience (A&R) consultant. I have expertise in climate-smart agriculture, long-term development strategies and planning, water-energy-food nexus policies, disaster resilience, climate risks and vulnerabilities...

TAVARES, Jacques de Pina

°       1997-1999 _ National Volunteer of United Nations (NVUN) in Rural Development °       2000-2002_ Technician of the National Direction of Environment      2002-2016_ Research Graduate Assistant – National Institute of Research and Agrarian Development...

Alexander Nimo Wiredu

I am an Agricultural Economist, and a Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Impact Assessment (MELIA) Specialist. I have, in the past 17 years, contributed to agricultural and rural transformation by applying my in-depth understanding of development programing...