Idrissou Bachirou Souradji

Born on the first of January 1992 and originally from Benin, West Africa, I hold a Baccalaureate, Biology-Geology-Chemistry science series in 2012 and a Bachelor’s degree in Natural Science/Agricultural Entomology/Animal Biology and Ecology in 2015 at the...


Je suis chercheur en développement rural et mes recherches sont orientées dans plusieurs domaines, notamment la dégradation et conservation des sols, l’horticulture, le développement rural et la gestion de projets. Cela fait plus de 20 ans que je travaille dans ces...

Mahugnon Djohy

Mahugnon Djohy is economist, adaptation and resilience (A&R) consultant. I have expertise in climate-smart agriculture, long-term development strategies and planning, water-energy-food nexus policies, disaster resilience, climate risks and vulnerabilities...

Alexander Nimo Wiredu

I am an Agricultural Economist, and a Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Impact Assessment (MELIA) Specialist. I have, in the past 17 years, contributed to agricultural and rural transformation by applying my in-depth understanding of development programing...