kanfany, Ghislain

Dr Ghislain KANFANY est un ingénieur agronome et sélectionneur formé au Sénégal (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Agriculture) et au Ghana (West African Centre for Crop Improvement). Il a travaillé à AfricaRice en tant qu’assistant de recherche et a contribué à la...


Arouna ASSOUMA is an agro-economist, Ph.D Student, with a master’s degree in natural resource economics and a bachelor’s degree in economics. He has over three years’ experiences in developing and designing development and academic projects. Arouna...

Jacques Davy IBABA

My expertise includes detection, characterization, identification, and control of viruses that infect plants, as well as molecular plant pathology. My experience includes capacity building, conducting research and presenting research results. Two viruses discovered in...

Adesubokan Solomon Niyi

 Driving the Future of Sustainable Agriculture & Food Security | Expert in AgTech, Climate Resilience, and Value Chain Development I help international organizations, NGOs, and individuals design and manage impactful projects in food security, sustainable...