Je suis Andé Hortense DJIDJI, Ingénieur Agronome Option Production Végétale et Amélioration Variétale. Actuellement Directrice de la Station de Recherche de Lataha où s’exécutent les activités du Programme Anacarde Mangue Papaye Karité (Prog. AMPK) du...


Chercheur au programme Biotechnologie du CNRA depuis 18 Mai 2020. Je suis responsable de l’unité de culture in vitro

Adesubokan Solomon Niyi

 Driving the Future of Sustainable Agriculture & Food Security | Expert in AgTech, Climate Resilience, and Value Chain Development I help international organizations, NGOs, and individuals design and manage impactful projects in food security, sustainable...


Amavi Lys AGLINGLO is a PhD candidate in Genetics and Plant breeding at the University of Abomey-Calavi. He holds a Master degree in Biotechnology and Plant Breeding at the University of Abomey-Calavi in Benin and is preparing to defend his Master’s thesis in...

Jao Emma B.

With a background in horticulture, I have more than seven (7) years’ experience in the production of horticulture crops. Presently served as Research Officer at CARI in the crops program.