DJINADOU, Adijatu Kouboura Alice

Détentrice d’un doctorat obtenu en 2011 à l’Université d’Abomey-Calavi (Bénin) sur le thème ‘’Genre et innovations agricoles : cas des extraits aqueux de neem pour la protection phytosanitaire du niébé au sud-ouest du Bénin’’, je suis actuellement Chef Service...

Traoré, Delvyn-Axel Dagnan

!Specialist in Economic Ethics and Sustainable Development (EEDD), I had, for more than 15 years, rewarding professional experiences on issues related to my areas of expertise.

Pouye Deguene

Gender and development specialist with over 10 years of experience in West and Central Africa. Expertise in gender mainstreaming in agricultural policies, sanitation, and natural resource management. Key skills: developing inclusion strategies, coordinating...

Mahama Samuel

Head of the Corporate Strategic Planning Monitoring & Evaluation /MIS (CSPM&E/MIS) of the CSIR  and currently leading the automation and digitalisation of an online M&E system for the implementation of the organisation’s 5 Strategic Plan. Has worked at the...

Mouhamadou Moustapha DIOUF

Mouhamadou Moustapha Diouf is an Agro-Economist Engineer with expertise in monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL). He holds a Master’s in Agricultural Value Chain Development and is pursuing a Master’s in Project Management. His experience includes...